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Sánchez-Toledano et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023 40(3): e234030
6-7 |
In this regard, Teixeira and Rodrigues (2021) indicated that
modern consumer lifestyles and expectations drive the market to use
new processing methods and technologies to deliver fast, nutritious,
and sensory accepted products (Saldaña et al., 2021). On the other
hand, De Oliveira et al. (2022), mentioned that sensory enjoyment is
vital for the well-being and memory of the consumer in the short and
long term.
However, the preference for innovative products that benet
health is related to the nancial capacity and educational level of
consumers, as this is greater, the interest in acquiring food increases
in quantity and quality of nutrients (Realini et al., 2022; Ceballos
and Guadarrama, 2020). Similarly, the social aspect, that is, the group
of people with whom the consumer relates is a clear inuence in the
search for new foods (Sobal and Bisogni, 2009). It is important to note
that the success of any new product depends on objective and subjective
consumer acceptance and technical skills (Dang et al., 2018).
Although cookies made from bean our are considered a new food,
a high evaluation in attributes is observed. However, it is necessary to
pay attention to the attributes with less preference (lower score) and
perform the necessary tests to improve them, using a lower proportion
of bean our and other nutritious ingredients in its preparation can
improve its acceptance by consumers. These ndings can be used to
improve the organoleptic quality of cookies and provide basic data
to expand the consumer market, due to their nutritional and sensory
The extrapolation of the data from this study should be carried
out with caution because the valued foods respond to a specic
geographical segment.
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