© The Authors, 2023, Published by the Universidad del Zulia*Corresponding author: benchomar@univ-setif.dz
Combined control
Fusarium culmorum
Wheat seedlings
Study of synergistic eect of combined application of tebuconazole with two biocontrol agents
for management of Fusarium crown rot in durum wheat
Estudio del efecto sinérgico de la aplicación combinada de tebuconazol con dos agentes de biocontrol
para el manejo de la pudrición de la corona por Fusarium en trigo duro
Estudo do efeito sinérgico da aplicação combinada de tebuconazol com dois agentes de biocontrole
no manejo da podridão-da-colheita por Fusarium em trigo duro
Abdelmalek Oulmi
Amor Bencheikh
Walid Mamache
Asma Gharzouli
Meriem Barkahoum Daichi
Noureddine Rouag
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023, 40(3): e234025
ISSN 2477-9407
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47280/RevFacAgron(LUZ).v40.n3.03
Crop Production
Associate editor: Professor Beltrán Briceño
University of Zulia, Faculty of Agronomy
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Department of plant Biology and Ecology, Faculty of
Nature and Life Sciences, Valorization of Natural Biological
Resources Laboratory, Ferhat ABBAS University-Setif
19000, Algeria.
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Nature and Life
Sciences, Laboratory of applied Microbiology, Ferhat
ABBAS University - Setif 19000, Algeria.
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Nature and Life
Sciences, Laboratory of applied phytotherapy to chronic
diseases, Ferhat ABBAS University - Setif, Algeria.
Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Nature and Life
Sciences, Laboratory of applied Microbiology Ferhat
ABBAS University - Setif, 19000, Algeria.
Received: 30-03-2023
Accepted: 27-06-2023
Published: 18-07-2023
The in vitro and growth chamber, tests were conducted in order to
assess the eects of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens B18 and Bacillus subtilis
S8 strains each alone and in combination with tebuconazole against
Fusarium culmorum (FC) isolate responsible of Fusarium crown rot (FCR)
in durum wheat. The in vitro growth of B18 and S8 strains was unaected
by 30 µg.mL
tebuconazole. The Bacillus strains (at 10
) and
tebuconazole, each alone, reduced the mycelial growth, this eect was
signicantly improved when they were combined (inhibition of more than 92
%). In growth chamber experiments, ecacy against FCR was signicantly
higher when integrating Bacillus strains and tebuconazole than by either
alone; control ecacy of tebuconazole at 30 µg.mL
in combination with
S8 and B18 strains reached 90.91 and 95.45 %, respectively. The obtained
results indicated that combination of tebuconazole with the biocontrol agents
B18 and S8 synergistically improved control eciency of the fungicide
against FCR of wheat.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023, 40(3): e234025. July-September. ISSN 2477-9407.2-6 |
Se realizaron experimentos in vitro y en cámara de crecimiento
para evaluar los efectos de las cepas Bacillus amyloliquefaciens B18 y
Bacillus subtilis S8, cada una sola y en combinación con tebuconazol,
contra el aislado de Fusarium culmorum (FC) responsable de
la pudrición de la corona por Fusarium (FCR) en trigo duro. El
crecimiento in vitro de las cepas B18 y S8 no se vio afectado por
30 µg.mL
de tebuconazol. Las cepas de Bacillus (10
) y
tebuconazol, cada una sola, redujeron el crecimiento micelial, este
efecto mejoró signicativamente cuando se combinaron (inhibición
de más del 92 %). En experimentos en cámaras de crecimiento,
la ecacia contra FCR fue signicativamente mayor cuando se
integraron cepas de Bacillus y tebuconazol que cuando se integraron
cualquiera de las dos solas; la ecacia de control de tebuconazol a 30
en combinación con las cepas S8 y B18 alcanzó el 90,91 y el
95,45 %, respectivamente. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron que la
combinación de tebuconazol con los agentes de biocontrol B18 y S8
mejoró sinérgicamente la eciencia de control del fungicida contra
FCR de trigo.
Palabras clave: Bacillus, control combinado, fungicida, Fusarium
culmorum, plántulas de trigo.
Os experimentos in vitro e em câmara de crescimento
foram realizados para avaliar os efeitos das cepas de Bacillus
amyloliquefaciens B18 e Bacillus Subtilis S8 isoladamente e em
combinação com tebuconazol contra o isolado de Fusarium culmorum
(FC) responsável pela podridão da coroa de Fusarium (FCR) em
trigo duro. O crescimento in vitro das cepas B18 e S8 não foi afetado
por 30 ug.mL
de tebuconazol. As cepas de Bacillus (10
) e tebuconazol, cada uma isoladamente, reduziram o crescimento
micelial, este efeito foi signicativamente melhorado quando foram
combinados (inibição de mais de 92 %). Em experimentos de câmara
de crescimento, a ecácia contra FCR foi signicativamente maior
ao integrar cepas de Bacillus e tebuconazol do que por qualquer um
deles sozinho; a ecácia de controle do tebuconazol a 30 µg.mL
em combinação com as cepas S8 e B18 atingiu 90,91 e 95,45 %,
respectivamente. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que a combinação
de tebuconazol com os agentes de biocontrole B18 e S8 melhorou
sinergicamente a eciência de controle do fungicida contra FCR de
Palabras-chave: Bacillus, controle combinado, fungicida, Fusarium
culmorum, mudas de trigo.
Triticum turgidum var. durum L., also known as durum wheat,
is a crucial crop for the economy crop globally after rice and corn
(Food and Agriculture Organization [FAO], 2018). In Algeria, about
4 million tons of wheat were harvested in 2019, an increase of 1.2
million tons compared to 2017 (FAO, 2019). Despite this, Algeria
remains one of the important importing countries for this important
crop, which is due to the weak yield and the increasing consumer
needs in parallel with the increasing demographic growth (Bellout et
al., 2020; FAO, 2018).
Every year, most regions that produce wheat suer large losses
due to one of the most economically signicant diseases of wheat,
the FCR. On average, it caused losses in yield, between 24 and 52
% in durum wheat elds per year (Chekali et al., 2013; Hollaway et
al., 2013).
For decades, the primary method of preventing the spread of
fungal phytopathogens has been the use of synthetic fungicides
(Ceiro-Catasú et al., 2022; Palmieri et al., 2022). Despite this, the
control ecacy of azole fungicides has been signicantly decreased
due to the developed resistance in FCR agents resulting from the
excessive use of fungicides (De Chaves et al., 2022; Hellin et al.,
2018). For this reason, more eective and environmentally friendly
methods for controlling FCR agents must be found. Tebuconazole is
a potent multifunctional systemic fungicide that rapidly penetrates all
plant parts. It works by preventing the sterol C-14 -demethylation of
2,4-methylenedihydrolanosterol, which is the precursor to ergosterol
in fungi. This inhibits the formation of the cell membrane, which
results in the pathogen’s death (Odds et al., 2003; Shishatskaya et al.,
2018). It is proved to be very ecient in decreasing deoxynivalenol
(DON) amounts when is using in the control of Fusarium Head Blight
(Sun et al., 2014). Unfortunately, given the harmful impact of synthetic
fungicides, such as the impact on ecosystems and human well-being,
it is required to seek to develop alternative control methods. Instead
of synthetic fungicides, employing biological control agents (BCAs)
to control FCR is viewed as a promising option (Khedher et al., 2020;
Lee et al., 2017).
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Bacillus subtilis are widely
recognized for their antifungal activity and they can be promising
BCAs against several plant diseases (Khedher et al., 2020; Lee et
al., 2017; Zhao et al., 2013; Zhu et al., 2020). BCAs can minimize
the frequency and amount of fungicide employed, which reduces the
danger of residues and resistance development, but their eciency
is often lower than that of chemical fungicides since it is frequently
unstable in eld circumstances and may be aected by a variety of
factors (Ji et al., 2019; Yu et al., 2017). The combination of Bacillus-
tebuconazole could lead to a practical method for controlling F.
culmorum in wheat elds. This study aimed to 1- evaluation of the
compatibility of tebuconazole and two antagonistic Bacillus strains
(B18 and S8) and then 2- evaluation of the ecacy of tebuconazole
and Bacillus strains (B18 and S8) each alone, and in combination,
for the control of F. culmorum in in vitro experiments (eect on
mycelium growth) and nally, in growth chamber experiments (eect
on induced FCR on durum wheat seedlings).
Material and methods
Plant material
The wheat seed sample namely: Boutaleb (Harvest season 2020-
2021), was kept at room temperature pending use.
Tebuconazole under its commercial formulation (Raxil 60FS®:
active ingredient content: 60 g.L
), was purchased from CASAP
company specializes in agricultural products, Algiers - Algeria, which
it imports from Bayer CropScience. Stock solutions of tebuconazole
(7.5, 15, and 30 µg.mL
) were made with distilled water and kept at
a temperature of 4 °C until use.
Antifungal bacteria
The bacterial strains Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (B18) and
Bacillus subtilis (S8) previously obtained from the wheat rhizosphere
from Bordj Bou Arreridj and Setif province respectively, Algeria.
Through macro and micro-morphological, biochemical, and
( ) × 100
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Oulmi et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023 40(3): e234025
3-6 |
molecular assessment, the bacterial strains were identied (Bencheikh
et al., 2022). Bacterial strains were stored in 30 % glycerol at −20 °C.
Nutrient agar (NA) medium (Liolchem)
was used as the standard
growth medium for bacteria. They were cultured at 35 °C until
colonies appeared.
The bacterial suspension was prepared by the inoculation of the
bacteria in the Nutrient Broth (NB) medium for 18 hours. After that,
the suspension was diluted in physiological water, until the obtention
of a nal concentration of 10
colony forming units (CFU) per mL.
FCR agent, Fusarium culmorum
Using morphological and molecular characterization, the
previously obtained F. culmorum (FC) isolate, which was acquired
from durum wheat seeds, was identied (Bencheikh et al., 2022). The
F. culmorum isolate was maintained at 25 °C on Potato Sucrose Agar
(PSA). According to Bouanaka et al. (2021) procedure, the conidial
suspension was established, with some modications, according to
the following steps:
1-sterilized distilled water (10 mL) was added to the aerial
mycelium of a 15-day-old fungal colony. 2- The colony was carefully
scraped in order to retrieve all spores present within the aerial
mycelium. 3- The concentration of spores was estimated using the
Malassez counting cell (hemocytometer). 4- The appropriate dilutions
were made to obtain a nal concentration of 10
Tebuconazole and Bacillus strain compatibility
After the bacterial suspension was prepared, a tenfold dilution was
made in physiological water, then 100 µl from the 10
, 10
, and 10
dilutions were strewn throughout Petri plates containing NA medium
(used as control) or NA medium added by 7.5, 15, and 30 µg.mL
of tebuconazole fungicide. The highest concentration used was taken
from the concentrations suggested by the manufacturer, while the
other concentrations represent half and a quarter of this concentration.
Three plates were used for each test, the plates were incubated at 35
°C for 24 hours and then the colonies were enumerated.
In vitro tebuconazole tests for preventing the mycelial
development of F. culmorum in conjunction with Bacillus strains
Plugs of 6 mm-diameter from F. culmorum 7-days-old colony were
put on the center of fresh PDA plates containing tebuconazole alone
(mixed with the medium), Bacillus strain alone (streaked parallelly
at a distance of 2.5 cm from either side of the F. culmorum plug), or
both tebuconazole and Bacillus strain. Doses of tebuconazole were
7.5, 15, and 30 µg.mL
, and the concentration of Bacillus strains was
PDA plates without tebuconazole and Bacillus strains were
used as controls. Each treatment received three dishes, which were
incubated at 25 °C for 5-7 days (until the mycelium in the control
dishes reaches the edge of the dish). The F. culmorum colonies’
diameters were measured. Using the Vincent (1947) formula, which
is given below, the percentages of mycelium growth inhibition by
tebuconazole and/or Bacillus strains in comparison with the control
were estimated.
Where: I= percent inhibition of mycelium growth; C= diameter
colony of the control,
T= diameter colony in the presence of tebuconazole and/or
Bacillus strain.
Growth chamber experiments
Pot experiments were performed in a controlled growth chamber
(22 °C ± 3, 12 h/12 h photoperiod of light and dark and 90 % relative
humidity, consecutively), in circular 8-cm-diameter pots containing
sterilized potting soil (FLORAVA
). In tubes containing NB, at 28
°C for 48 hours, Bacillus strain inoculum was prepared. To acquire
a nal concentration of 10
, the resulting suspension was
diluted with sterile physiological water. Tebuconazole was applied
with or without Bacillus strains at 7.5, 15, and 30 µg.mL
Three seeds (cv. Boutaleb), surface sterilized (Bencheikh et al.,
2022) and submerged in the suspension of bacterial strain for 3h,
were displayed in each pot. Each seed received one 6 mm diameter
plug from a 7-day-old F. culmorum culture. The seeds and inocula
were carefully buried in sterile soil. The seeds without bacteria and
Fusarium plugs served as the negative control, whereas the direct
contact of a 6 mm-diameter Fusarium plug with each seed without
bacteria served as the positive control.
Concerning the chemical control, the tebuconazole solution was
applied to the surface-sterilized wheat seeds before soaking (with
the concentrations cited above) for 15 min. Each seed was in contact
with one 6-mm-diameter plug from a culture of F. culmorum that was
seven days old. On the other hand, seeds soaked in tebuconazole but
without Fusarium plugs were used as control.
Relating to the combined control, surface-sterilized wheat seeds
were submerged in the bacterial suspension supplemented with
tebuconazole solution (the same concentrations as the chemical
control test) for 3 h. One 6-mm diameter plug from the Fusarium
7-days-old culture was put in contact with each surface-sterilized
Three duplicate pots were employed in a factorial totally
randomized design, and the plants received two weekly waterings. The
seedlings were carefully removed after 21 days, and measurements of
the plant height and root weight were taken. For the evaluation of the
FCR, a disease scale from 0 to 3 was used (Grey and Mathre, 1984),
0 = no discoloration in crown, 1 = 1–25 % of browning in crown,
2 = 25–50 % of browning in crown, 3= more than 50 % of browning
in crown. In accordance with the method, the McKinney (1923) index
was used to estimate the disease severity (DS):
Where: a= disease class, b= frequency, n =number of observations,
and N = greatest value of the empirical scale adopted (class 3).
The control ecacy of the FCR was calculated using the formula
proposed by Ji et al. (2019): Disease control ecacy (%) = ((C
T)/C) × 100, where C= disease severity of control; T= disease severity
of treatment.
Statistical analysis
The IBM SPSS Statistics V25 program was used to conduct
the statistical analysis. With the exception of the growth chamber
experiment, all tests employed the one-way ANOVA instead of the
two-way ANOVA. The means were compared using the Duncan post
hoc test at the 0.05 threshold of risk.
Results and discussion
Compatibility of tebuconazole with Bacillus strains
After 24 hours of incubation, the growth of the two tested Bacillus
strains was not aected by tebuconazole using the NA medium
containing 7.5, 15, and 30 µg.mL
of tebuconazole, and the number
of CFU.mL
was not statistically dierent compared with the number
of CFU.mL
of the untreated control (table 1).
( ) × 100
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(( × )/ × ) × 100
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023, 40(3): e234025. July-September. ISSN 2477-9407.4-6 |
Table 1. Tebuconazole’s impact on Bacillus strain growth in NA
Concentration of tebuconazole
Number of CFU
S8 B18
Control 0 47.97±2.11a
F1/4 7.5 50.3±3.4a 48.3±1.4a
F1/2 15 48.47±1.05a 49.7±2.6a
F1 30 49.2±1.6a 51.33±1.7a
CFU: colony-forming unit; * Means in same column followed by the same letter
are not signicantly dierent at p < .05 as determined by Duncan test.
The attempt to combine antagonistic bacteria with synthetic
fungicides depends on their compatibility, which is usually dicult
to achieve. In this study, the growth of the two tested Bacillus strains
(S8 and B18) on the NA medium was not aected by tebuconazole at
a concentration of 30 µg.mL
(table 1). This result indicates the full
compatibility of Bacillus strains with tebuconazole.
In vitro tests of tebuconazole in combination with Bacillus
strains for preventing F. culmorum’s mycelial expansion
Tebuconazole and the two tested Bacillus strains substantially
(p> .05) reduced the radial mycelial development of F. culmorum
on PDA dishes and when treated separately (table 2). Combining
tebuconazole with Bacillus strains signicantly increased the rate of
inhibition. As an example, the inhibition rate was 65.1 % with B18
strain alone, and 87.84 % with tebuconazole alone at 30 µg.mL
(F1), but it increased to 93.73 % when the two treatments were
combined (table 2). Using Colby’s equation (Colby, 1967), each of
the anticipated inhibition rates were greater than those obtained when
combined with the Bacillus strains with the tebuconazole (table 2).
These results conrm that the combination of the tested Bacillus
strains and the tebuconazole gives a synergetic eect.
Table 2. Tebuconazole and other Bacillus strains individually and
in combination inuenced Fusarium culmorum growth
on PDA plates
observed (%)
8.5f - - -
3.03e 64.31a - -
2.94e 65.10a - -
1.03b 87.84d - -
1.33c 84.31c - -
1.67d 80.39b - -
0.53a 93.73
95.65 +1.93
0.57a 93.33
94.41 +1.07
0.6a 92.94
93.00 +0.06
0.53a 93.73
97.81 +4.08
0.57a 93.33
97.67 +4.34
0.6a 92.94
97.54 +4.60
The means in the same column that are separated by the same letter are not
considerably dierent p < .05 (Duncan test);
Each gure represents the average
of three separate trials;
Dierences, shown by a plus sign, indicate synergistic
eects (the percentage decrease seen minus the percentage reduction anticipated).
Growth chamber experiment
In the growth chamber experiments, tebuconazole at 7.5, 15,
and 30 µg.mL
in combination with the Bacillus strains (B18 or
S8) signicantly reduced FCR severity and displayed a noticeable
control eect with rates of control ecacies of 59.09, 77.27, and
90.91 % respectively with S8 strain, and of 72.73, 81.82, and 95.45
% respectively with B18 strain (table 3). On the other hand, the
results showed that each of the tebuconazole (with all the tested
concentrations) and the Bacillus strains, can reduce the FCR severity,
but with greater eectiveness of the fungicide compared to the
Bacillus strains, where control ecacies rates were between 27.27
and 81.82 % for the tebuconazole, and between 9.09 and 13.64 % for
S8 and B18 strains respectively (table 3).
Through the previous results, it was found that the process of
combining tebuconazole with one of the two Bacillus strains gave
the desired results, which is to provide the best protection against the
FCR damages. In addition, the combination (Bacillus-tebuconazole)
increased signicantly both the weight of the fresh roots and plant
height in comparison to each treatment separately. On the contrary,
no signicant dierences have been observed between the control
ecacy rates of the S8 and the B18 strain each alone or in combination
with tebuconazole 15 and 30 µg.mL
Table 3. Eect of tebuconazole and Bacillus strains against
Fusarium crown rot (FCR) in the growth chamber,
alone and in combination.
Traitement Seedlings
hight (cm)
Root fresh
weight (g)
severity (%)
ecacy (%)
0.081±0.002a 81.48g -
F1/4 16.17±1.21bc 0.095±0.005bc 59.26f 27.27ab
F1/2 17.04±1.42c 0.108±0.01c 44.44e 45.45bc
F1 20.12±0.34d 0.155±0.01ef 14.81abc 81.82de
S8 14.50±1.78b 0.107±0.009c 74.07g 9.09a
S8 + F1/4 16.17±1.21bc 0.095±0.008bc 33.33de 59.09cd
S8 + F1/2 19.37±1.12d 0.145±0.011de 18.52bc 77.27de
S8 + F1 23.61±1.11e 0.197±0.025g 7.41ab 90.91e
B18 12.02±1.6a 0.090±0.012ab 70.37fg 13.64a
B18 + F1/4 17.04±1.42c 0.108±0.09c 22.22cd 72.73de
B18 + F1/2 20.12±0.34d 0.133±0.01d 14.81bc 81.82de
B18 + F1 21.49±1.01d 0.162±0.02f 3.70a 95.45e
Untreated durum wheat seeds with FC1 plug
The values represent the 9
replicates’ means and standard errors. At p < .05 (Duncan test), values in the same
columns that are followed by the same letter are not statistically dierent.
With the very intensive use of the fungicides, the resistance of
Fusarium isolates against these latter was highly increased (Yin et
al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2013). Therefore, it has become necessary
to look for more eective ways to control these pathogens in cereal
production. Tebuconazole has been used for controlling FHB in
several countries (Sun et al., 2014) and proved its very eectiveness
in decreasing the FHB methylenedihydrolanosterol and production of
deoxynivalenol (DON). Akgül and Erkiliç (2016), found that wheat
seed covered by tebuconazole decreased disease severity (DS) in
wheat seedlings’ crown compared to the non-treated seeds and they
concluded that it was the most eective fungicide with an ecacy rate
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Oulmi et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023 40(3): e234025
5-6 |
of 47.8 %. These ndings are in accordance with the obtained in vitro
and growth chamber results proving the eectiveness of tebuconazole
in the limitation of the FCR, where both the in vitro growth inhibition
rate and control ecacy were more than 80 %. Tebuconazole’s
mechanism of action was examined, and the ndings revealed that it
inhibits one of the ergosterol precursors in fungus (DMI’s fungicides),
the pathogen dies as a result of this activity because it prohibits the
establishment of the cell membrane (Odds et al., 2003).
The obtained results proved that the two Bacillus strains were
eective in reducing the radial growth of the F. culmorum, where
the inhibition was more than 60 %. Via a number of processes,
the species of the genus Bacillus can decrease the growth of
phytopathogenic fungi and even eradicate them. The most signicant
of these mechanisms is the release of antifungal compounds like
antibiotics, cyanides, and gas products like ammonia (Fira et al.,
2018; Lugtenberg et al., 2009; Zhao et al., 2013), and by generating
hydrolytic enzymes including cellulase, glucanase, chitinase, and
protease that demolish the cell wall (Brzezinska et al., 2020; Yanti et
al., 2021), or by enhancing plant development (Huang et al., 2020;
Kalam et al., 2020). B. amyloliquefaciens and B. subtilis have been
considered to be promising biocontrol agents with diverse capabilities.
Wang et al. (2016) reported that the B. amyloliquefaciens W19 strain
can produce bioorganic fertilizers “BIO6”, which could eectively
suppress FCR disease in bananas and promote plant growth. On the
other hand, B. subtilis was able to produce three natural substances
called lipopeptides, namely: fengycin, surfactin, and mycosubtilin.
These latter have shown an interesting antifungal activity each alone
or in combination compared to tebuconazole in the in vitro control
of two strains of Venturia inaequalis, the responsible agent of apple
scab (Desmyttere et al., 2019). Previous research revealed that the
B. subtilis S8 strain and B. amyloliquefaciens B18 were potential
agents in biocontrol of F. culmorum isolates (FC1 and FC2), by
producing several hydrolytic enzymes (amylase, pectinase, cellulase,
protease, and chitinase) and by producing antifungal metabolites like
siderophore and ammonia (Bencheikh et al., 2022). Based on all the
aforementioned advantages of the antagonistic bacteria and their anti-
fungal metabolites, they can be relied upon as ideal alternatives to
chemical fungicides (Desmyttere et al., 2019; Ji et al., 2019). While
being safe for the environment and eective against FCR, B. subtilis
and B. amyloliquefaciens strains eectiveness is often unstable in the
eld and may be aected by a variety of factors (Ji et al., 2019; Yu
et al., 2017). This nding is conrmed by the obtained results in the
growth chamber experiments where low control ecacy rates were
obtained when each Bacillus strain was used alone. Moreover, the
combination of Bacillus-tebuconazole revealed a synergistic eect in
inhibition of mycelium growth (table 2). Rotolo et al. (2018), declared
that the integration of synthetic fungicides and biocontrol agents
might be a successful plan of action more than the use of each alone.
The obtained results demonstrated also that control of Fusarium
crown rot was signicantly improved by combining tebuconazole
with Bacillus strains S8 or B18.
Through this study, it was proven that Bacillus strains (S8 and
B18) were completely compatible with tebuconazole and that they
can be combined without aecting each others growth. Furthermore,
a synergistic eect was obtained in the laboratory and growth chamber
The control ecacy of the combination B18-tebuconazole, at half
of the concentration suggested by the manufacturer, was too close
to that of the combination B18-tebuconazole, at the concentration
suggested by the manufacturer, with no signicant dierences
with the combination B18-tebuconazole, at the quarter of the
concentration suggested by the manufacturer, or with the combination
S8-tebuconazole at half of the concentration suggested by the
manufacturer. These ndings showed that the amount of fungicide
suggested by the manufacturer can be reduced by half if combined
with the S8 strain or even by a quarter if combined with the B18
To determine the optimal application method of these biocontrol
agents (B18 and S8 strain) to control FCR in durum wheat production,
more research must be carried out on the environmental destiny and
behavior of Bacillus strains in the eld.
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