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Oulmi et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023 40(3): e234025
5-6 |
of 47.8 %. These ndings are in accordance with the obtained in vitro
and growth chamber results proving the eectiveness of tebuconazole
in the limitation of the FCR, where both the in vitro growth inhibition
rate and control ecacy were more than 80 %. Tebuconazole’s
mechanism of action was examined, and the ndings revealed that it
inhibits one of the ergosterol precursors in fungus (DMI’s fungicides),
the pathogen dies as a result of this activity because it prohibits the
establishment of the cell membrane (Odds et al., 2003).
The obtained results proved that the two Bacillus strains were
eective in reducing the radial growth of the F. culmorum, where
the inhibition was more than 60 %. Via a number of processes,
the species of the genus Bacillus can decrease the growth of
phytopathogenic fungi and even eradicate them. The most signicant
of these mechanisms is the release of antifungal compounds like
antibiotics, cyanides, and gas products like ammonia (Fira et al.,
2018; Lugtenberg et al., 2009; Zhao et al., 2013), and by generating
hydrolytic enzymes including cellulase, glucanase, chitinase, and
protease that demolish the cell wall (Brzezinska et al., 2020; Yanti et
al., 2021), or by enhancing plant development (Huang et al., 2020;
Kalam et al., 2020). B. amyloliquefaciens and B. subtilis have been
considered to be promising biocontrol agents with diverse capabilities.
Wang et al. (2016) reported that the B. amyloliquefaciens W19 strain
can produce bioorganic fertilizers “BIO6”, which could eectively
suppress FCR disease in bananas and promote plant growth. On the
other hand, B. subtilis was able to produce three natural substances
called lipopeptides, namely: fengycin, surfactin, and mycosubtilin.
These latter have shown an interesting antifungal activity each alone
or in combination compared to tebuconazole in the in vitro control
of two strains of Venturia inaequalis, the responsible agent of apple
scab (Desmyttere et al., 2019). Previous research revealed that the
B. subtilis S8 strain and B. amyloliquefaciens B18 were potential
agents in biocontrol of F. culmorum isolates (FC1 and FC2), by
producing several hydrolytic enzymes (amylase, pectinase, cellulase,
protease, and chitinase) and by producing antifungal metabolites like
siderophore and ammonia (Bencheikh et al., 2022). Based on all the
aforementioned advantages of the antagonistic bacteria and their anti-
fungal metabolites, they can be relied upon as ideal alternatives to
chemical fungicides (Desmyttere et al., 2019; Ji et al., 2019). While
being safe for the environment and eective against FCR, B. subtilis
and B. amyloliquefaciens strains eectiveness is often unstable in the
eld and may be aected by a variety of factors (Ji et al., 2019; Yu
et al., 2017). This nding is conrmed by the obtained results in the
growth chamber experiments where low control ecacy rates were
obtained when each Bacillus strain was used alone. Moreover, the
combination of Bacillus-tebuconazole revealed a synergistic eect in
inhibition of mycelium growth (table 2). Rotolo et al. (2018), declared
that the integration of synthetic fungicides and biocontrol agents
might be a successful plan of action more than the use of each alone.
The obtained results demonstrated also that control of Fusarium
crown rot was signicantly improved by combining tebuconazole
with Bacillus strains S8 or B18.
Through this study, it was proven that Bacillus strains (S8 and
B18) were completely compatible with tebuconazole and that they
can be combined without aecting each other’s growth. Furthermore,
a synergistic eect was obtained in the laboratory and growth chamber
The control ecacy of the combination B18-tebuconazole, at half
of the concentration suggested by the manufacturer, was too close
to that of the combination B18-tebuconazole, at the concentration
suggested by the manufacturer, with no signicant dierences
with the combination B18-tebuconazole, at the quarter of the
concentration suggested by the manufacturer, or with the combination
S8-tebuconazole at half of the concentration suggested by the
manufacturer. These ndings showed that the amount of fungicide
suggested by the manufacturer can be reduced by half if combined
with the S8 strain or even by a quarter if combined with the B18
To determine the optimal application method of these biocontrol
agents (B18 and S8 strain) to control FCR in durum wheat production,
more research must be carried out on the environmental destiny and
behavior of Bacillus strains in the eld.
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