This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023, 40(2): e234017. Abril-Junio. ISSN 2477-9407.4-4 |
and mineral oil had 100 % and 98 %, respectively, of ecacy in the
mortality of adult females of A. tubercularis. Gursha et al. (2021),
studying the ecacy of Azadirachta indica L. in the control of A.
tubercularis, recorded a signicant reduction in infestations and
89.06 % mortality of the insect with the third application.
Table 2. Mortality of A. tubercularis under laboratory conditions.
Days after application
1 2 3 4
% Mortality**
Detergent 8.00 a 29.10± 5.6 a 95.8±0.3 a 100±0.0 a 100±0.0 a
Mineral oil 8.00 a 4.1±7.6 bc 58.3±3.3 ab 79.1±1.6 b 100±0.0 a
8.00 a 16.6±6.6 b 45.8±4.3 b 87.5±1.0 ab 95.8±0.3 a
3.2 %.
8.00 a 4.13±7.6 bc 83.3±1.3 ab 100±0.0 a 100±0.0 a
**Percent colony mortality adjusted by Abbott’s formula
(1925) and the average number of colonies per leaf. Means with
dierent letters are statistically dierent, LSD Fisher (p<0.05).
The present investigation allowed concluding that mineral oil,
commercial detergent and azadirachtin 3.2 %, have potential eect
on the control of A. tubercularis, so its use as an alternative product
of low environmental impact can be frequent in the phytosanitary
management of the crop. Potassium soap in the medium and long
term reduces populations, a characteristic that makes it a useful
strategy in integrated management programs.
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