© The Authors, 2023, Published by the Universidad del Zulia
*Corresponding author: toledano.blancaisabel@gmail.com
Juan Jose Figueroa Gonzalez
Blanca Isabel Sánchez-Toledano
Jorge A. Zegbe
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023, 40(1): e234006
ISSN 2477-9407
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47280/RevFacAgron(LUZ).v40.n1.06
Food Technology
Associate editor: Dra. Gretty R. Ettiene Rojas
University of Zulia, Faculty of Agronomy
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
Consumer segmentation
Xanthan gum
Microbial transglutaminase
Acceptance and preference
Celiac patients
Sensory analysis of pancakes made with sorghum our, xanthan gum and microbial
transglutaminase enzyme
Análisis sensorial de panqués elaborados con harina de sorgo, goma xantana y enzima transglutaminasa
Avaliação sensorial de panquecas elaboradas com farinha de sorgo, goma xantana e enzima
microbiana transglutaminase
Zacatecas-INIFAP Experimental Field. P.O. Box No. 18,
Calera de Víctor Rosales, Zacatecas, Mexico. CP. 98500.
Received: 31-08-2022
Accepted: 14-12-2022
Published: 05-01-2023
Sorghum is a cereal used as fodder, mainly. Despite being a benecial
product for human health, its consumption is little or null in Mexico. The food
industry could be an alternative to diversify this cereal in products compatible
with celiac people. The study was focused on the consumer’s characterization
and the sensory assessment of pancakes elaborated with various proportions
of xanthan gum (GX) and the microbial transglutaminase (MTG) enzyme
in two cities from the central and northeastern regions of Mexico. A survey,
designed and validated previously, was given to 58 consumers where the
demographic characteristics of participants and the sensory analysis of nine
pancakes (P) were explored. The latter were prepared with the following
proportions of GX/MTG: P1 (0/0 %), P2 (0/0.25 %), P3 (0/0.5 %), P4
(0.25/0 %), P5 (0.25/0.25 %), P6 (0.25/0.5 %), P7 (0.5/0 %), P8 (0.5/0.25
%), P9 (0.5/0.5 %) and a commercial pancake (control). The study revealed
that the majority of the participants were women (77.5 %). The predominant
age was between 20 and 29 years (51.7 %) with a university academic level
(30.2 %) and postgraduate degree (38 %), and income ≥ $20,000 MXN (53.6
%). The most preferred and accepted pancakes were P9 and P7 followed by
the control, P5 and P8. However, the most accepted pancake was the control
followed by P7 and P9. It is concluded that sorghum pancakes represent an
alternative with health benets for people with celiac disease.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023, 40(1): e234006. Enero-Marzo. ISSN 2477-9407.
2-6 |
El sorgo es un cereal utilizado como forraje, principalmente. A
pesar de ser un producto benéco para la salud humana, su consumo
es poco o nulo en México. La industria alimentaria podría ser una
alternativa para diversicar este cereal en productos compatibles
con personas celíacas. El estudio se enfocó en la caracterización
de consumidores y la evaluación sensorial de panqués elaborados
con diferentes proporciones de goma xantana (GX) y la enzima
transglutaminasa microbiana (MTG) en dos ciudades de la región
centro y noreste de México. Un cuestionario, previamente diseñado
y validado, fue administrado a 58 consumidores donde se exploraron
las características demográcas de los participantes y el análisis
sensorial de nueve panqués (P). Estos últimos fueron preparados con
las siguientes proporciones de GX/MTG: P1 (0/0 %), P2 (0/0,25 %),
P3 (0/0,5 %), P4 (0,25/0 %), P5 (0,25/0,25 %), P6 (0,25/0,5 %), P7
(0,5/0 %), P8 (0,5/0,25 %), P9 (0,5/0,5 %) y un panqué comercial
(testigo). El estudio reveló que, de los participantes, la mayoría eran
mujeres (77,5 %). La edad predominante fue entre 20 y 29 años (51,7
%) con un nivel académico universitario (30,2 %) y de postgrado (38
%) e ingresos $ 20, 000 MXN (53,6 %). Los panqués de mayor
preferencia y aceptación fueron el P9 y P7 seguido por el testigo, P5 y
P8. Sin embargo, el panqué de mayor aceptación fue el testigo seguido
por el P7 y P9. Se concluye que los panqués de sorgo representan una
alternativa con benecios para la salud de personas celíacas.
Palabras clave: segmentación de consumidores, goma xantana,
transglutaminasa microbiana, aceptación y preferencia, pacientes
O sorgo e um cereal utilizado como forragem, principalmente.
Ainda de ser um produto benéco para a saúde humana, seu consumo
é pouco o nulo no México. A indústria alimentaria pode ser uma
alternativa para diversicar esta cereal em produtos compatíveis
com pessoas celíacas. O estúdio centrou-se na caracterização de
consumidores e avaliação sensorial de panquecas elaboradas com
diferentes proporções de goma xantana (GX) e a enzima microbiana
transglutaminase (MTG) em duas cidades na região central e
nordeste do México. Foi aplicado um questionário, previamente
desenhado e validado, foi administrado a 58 consumidores onde
foram exploradas as características demográcas dos participantes e
a avaliação sensorial de nove panquecas (P). Estes foram preparados
com as seguintes proporções de GX/MTG P1 (0/0 %), P2 (0/0,25
%), P3 (0/0,5 %), P4 (0,25/0 %), P5 (0,25/0,25 %), P6 (0,25/0,5
%), P7 (0,5/0 %), P8 (0,5/0,25 %), P9 (0,5/0,5 %) e uma panqueca
comercial (testemunha). O estúdio revelou que, dos participantes, a
maioria eram mulheres (77,5%). A idade predominante tinha entre
20 e 29 anos (51,7 %) com um nível acadêmico universitário (30,2
%) com post-grado (38 %) e renda $ 20.000 MXN (53,6 %). A
panquecas de maior preferência e aceitação foram o P9 e P7 seguido
por a testemunha, P5 e P8. Porém, a panqueca de maior aceitação foi
a testemunha seguida por o P7 e P9. Conclui-se que as panquecas de
sorgo representam uma alternativa alternativa com benefícios para a
saúde de pessoas com doença celíaca.
Palavras chave: segmentação de consumidores, goma xantana,
enzima microbiana transglutaminase, aceitação e preferência,
pacientes celíacos.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
ranked Mexico in second place among the nations with the highest
rate of obesity, whose trend begins at an early age (Organization
for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD], 2022). On
the other hand, 75 % of the Mexican population aged 20 and older
is overweight or obese; while 35 % of school-age children and 38
% of adolescents suffer from this chronic-degenerative disease
(National Health and Nutrition Survey [ENSANUT], 2018). This
condition increased during social distancing due to the SARS-CoV-2
(COVID-19) pandemic.
The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) indicated
that Mexico is one of the main Latin American countries in the
consumption of ultra-processed foods, whose average annual per
capita consumption is 214 kg (Pan American Health Organization
[PAHO], 2022). The latter has resulted in 1 % suffering from wheat
allergy among the Mexican population; while non-gluten sensitivity
varies between 1 and 25 % in specic populations (Cobos-Quevedo
et al., 2017).
Sorghum is a cereal rich in protein (between 10.9 and 12.0 %)
that can help the gluten-intolerant population (Marchini et al., 2021).
In addition, different studies have proven that sorghum contains high
levels of phenolic compounds (Awika et al., 2005) between 0.46 and
20 mg per g gallic acid equivalents (Li et al., 2021) and, therefore,
rich in antioxidant properties (Awika et al., 2005). It contains fatty
acids such as linoleic (35.7 %), oleic (37.6 %), palmitic (18.6 %),
and 2.1 % linolenic acid (Pontieri et al., 2022). This is associated
with protective effects against several chronic-degenerative diseases
(Wu et al., 2018; Slavin, 2004). It has also been shown that its
consumption reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels up to 50 %
when this cereal is ingested by patients with hypercholesterolemia
(Treviño-Salinas et al., 2021).
The importance of sorghum in Mexico lies in the area destined
for cultivation, which amounts to 1,621,971.88 ha and generated a
production of 4,370.064 t (Agri-Food and Fisheries Information
Service [SIAP], 2022). Worldwide, Mexico accounts for 10 % of
sorghum production (Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations [FAOSTAT], 2020). However, the production was
mainly destined for animal consumption (Cuevas et al., 2020). For
the above, generating added value through sorghum our offers a
window of opportunity with the purpose of developing gluten-free
foods as an option for a particular consumer niche. However, gluten
removal has unpleasant effects such as poor texture, taste, aroma,
color and short shelf life of processed products (Motahar et al., 2021).
Thus, the production of gluten-free bread, with acceptable quality,
has become a great challenge in the food chain. Consequently, this
research is not only presented with a new pancake product based
on sorghum our, but also presents an analysis of preference and
acceptance of potential consumers of this product. Therefore, the
study was focused on the characterization of consumers and sensory
evaluation of pancakes made with different proportions of xanthan
gum (GX) and the microbial transglutaminase enzyme (MTG) in two
cities in the central and northeastern regions of Mexico.
Materials and methods
Sample selection
The information was obtained through a convenience survey
prepared in person to consumers who visited shopping centers in
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Figueroa et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023 40(1): e234006
3-6 |
the city of Querétaro, Querétaro (Center), and Reynosa, Tamaulipas
(Northeast) of Mexico in January 2014. Simple random sampling
was selected for an innite population with age-proportional xation
(people over 20 years old) and consumption habits of some type of
our. An error of 10 % was established, a condence level of 95 %
(Sánchez-Toledano et al., 2013), and with this, the number of surveys
to be applied was estimated (n = 58). The survey included 15 closed
questions, which were validated with 15 consumers to correct errors.
The questions were segmented into 1) demographic characteristics of
the participants and 2) sensory analysis without information on the
elaboration of the product (Malhotra, 2008).
Development of prototypes of pancake made with sorghum
The variety of sorghum used for the development of the product
was ‘RB Paloma’ produced in Tamaulipas, Mexico, and provided
by the Río Bravo Experimental Station, belonging to the National
Institute of Forestry, Agricultural and Livestock Research. First, the
grain was cleaned, washed with drinking water, and immediately
dried in a stove (Drying oven DHG-9145
) at 30 ± 2
C until it reached
a humidity between 12-13 %. Subsequently, the grain was pulverized
in a hammer mill (Azteca No. 6, Type GP 100) with a 0.4 mm screen
and sieved in a mesh number 80 (Manufacturers of Industrial and
Commercial Supplies). Later, the sorghum our obtained was vacuum
packed in plastic bags and stored at 5
C until use.
The elaboration of the prototypes of pancakes was carried
out according to Figueroa-González et al. (2015) with some
modications. The rst step was to weigh the ingredients separately.
Subsequently, the vegetable oil (10 g) was mixed with sugar (10 g) for
two minutes, the egg yolk (5 g) was added and mixed for one minute,
and then the sorghum our (50 g) was added. Sodium bicarbonate (1.3
g), ascorbic acid (1.3 g), and salt (0.1 g) were added to the mixture
to mix again for one minute. Subsequently, 23 mL of whole cow’s
milk at 50
C, vanilla (0.6 mL), xanthan gum (GX), and microbial
transglutaminase (MTG) were added and mixed for one minute to
later add the egg white (5 g). Separately, the mold was greased
with vegetable oil (1 g) and covered with sorghum our (1.0 g) to
prevent adhesion of the dough on the walls of this during baking. The
mixture was emptied into the mold and baked in a homemade stove
(Acros gas stove AF3600B) at 250
C for 45 minutes. The pancakes
were left to rest in the oven for 30 minutes, unmolded, and packed
in cellophane bags for sensory analysis. The prototype pancakes
had the following GX/MTG ratios: prototype 1 (0/0 %), prototype 2
(0/0.25 %), prototype 3 (0/0.5 %), prototype 4 (0.25/0 %), prototype
5 (0.25/0.25 %), prototype 6 (0.25/0.5 %), prototype 7 (0.5/0 %),
prototype 8 (0.5/0.25 %) and prototype 9 (0.5/0.5 %). The control
consisted of a commercial pancake.
GX is an extracellular polysaccharide produced by the bacterium
Xanthomonas campestris. GX imitates the rheological properties of
gluten, conferring high viscosity and strength to bread dough due to
its interaction with proteins (Burešová et al., 2016). Commercial
enzymes, especially microbial transglutaminase (MTG) are widely
used in fermented wheat our-based products as conditioners to
promote protein networks and improve product quality attributes
(Gao et al., 2021).
Sensory evaluation of the pancake made with sorghum our
and the control
The sensory evaluation was done the day after the elaboration of
the different prototypes of pancakes together with the control pancake.
The control pancake was made with 100 % wheat our and is widely
sold in commercial establishments distributed in the cities where the
study was carried out. The pancakes were sliced into cubes of 4 ×
4 x 1 cm. Consumers assessed, in a blind condition, the preference
of pancakes made with sorghum our and commercial bread made
with wheat. The preference of panelists for different pancake samples
was assessed based on smell (aroma), sight (color), touch (softness),
and taste (bitter aftertaste, moisture, and adhesiveness). The samples
were presented monodically (Di Monaco et al., 2004) and water was
offered between each sample. The panelists rated the acceptance of
the prototypes with the Hedonic scale (1 = I dislike it extremely, 2 =
I dislike it a lot, 3 = I dislike it moderately, 4 = I dislike it a little, 5
= I do not like or dislike it, 6 = I like it little, 7 = I like it moderately,
8 = I like it a lot, 9 = I like it extremely) (Abdelghafor et al., 2011).
The survey was validated and approved by an ethics committee
of the social sciences and carried out according to the principles
established in the Declaration of Helsinki with special attention to the
protection of personal information, according to Mexican standards.
Statistical analysis
Before analyzing the information, the hedonic scores of consumers
were standardized to normalize the data. The information was
analized in a completely randomized model and internal preference
mapping (MDPREF) was obtained. Subsequently, the multivariate
technique of correspondence analysis (CA) was applied to determine
the possible simultaneous association between the pancake prototypes
including the commercial control with the evaluated attributes (Hair
et al., 1998).
The information was analyzed in the SPSS 27.0 software program
for Windows (IBM, 2022) and in the statistical analysis system (SAS
ver. 9.4 2002-2010) (Ferrán-Aranaz, 2001).
Results and discussion
Establishing the demographic characterization of the participants
contributes to knowing the socioeconomic level of consumers who
would potentially be willing to include a new product in their diets.
Therefore, the analysis of the information indicated that the sample of
participants consisted of 22.4 % men and 77.6 % women. The highest
proportion was concentrated in consumers between 20 and 29 years
old (51.7 %), followed by consumers over 60 years old (31.2 %). The
sample in terms of age and gender was comparable with the ofcial
population statistics (INEGI, 2020) (table 1).
Table 1. Sociodemographic characteristics.
Characteristics of the
sampled population
Sample (n=58)*
Total population of the
Mexican Republic**
Female 77.5 51.4
Male 22.5 48.6
Age (years)
20-29 51.7 25.6
30-40 3.4 14.4
41-60 13.7 21.8
>60 31.2 10.5
Educational level
Primary 7.0 31.2
Secondary school 10.0 27.9
High school 9.8 21.7
University 35.2 18.6
Post-university 38.0 8.0
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023, 40(1): e234006. Enero-Marzo. ISSN 2477-9407.
4-6 |
Table 1. Sociodemographic characteristics. (Continuación).
*Own elaboration; **Source INEGI (2022).
In education and income, the sample included a higher proportion
of people with greater academic preparation than that detected at
the population level (INEGI, 2020). This discrepancy may have
been due, in part, to sampling sites. The states of Querétaro and
Tamaulipas have grown economically and developed capacities
to attract talent and investment in terms of gross domestic product
(GDP) per capita (INEGI, 2022).
Consumer preference and acceptance of the pancake
In sensory experience, the most important attributes for the
consumer panel were color, aroma, and sweetness, whose mean
values on the hedonic scale were 6.8, 6.7, and 6.7, respectively.
While attributes such as bitter aftertaste (6.2) and adhesiveness (6.0)
liked moderately. In contrast, the mean values of humidity (5.5) and
softness of the product (5.8) tended to taste slightly (gure 1).
Figure 1. Mean hedonic scores of the sorghum our pancake
attributes. † 1 = I dislike it extremely, 2 = I dislike it a
lot, 3 = I dislike it moderately, 4 = I dislike it a little, 5 =
I don’t like it or dislike it, 6 = I like it little, 7 = I like it
moderately, 8 = I like it a lot, 9 = I like it extremely.
a, b,
Statistical differences between different consumer groups
at 95 % (Tukey).
Likewise, the prototypes with the best preference and acceptance
by consumers were the control (commercial) and prototypes 5
(0.25/0.25 %), 7 (0.5/0 %), 8 (0.5/0.25 %) and 9 (0.5/0.5 %). In
contrast, the lowest scores were given to prototypes 1 (0/0 %), 2
(0/0.25 %), and 3 (0/0.5 %) (table 2).
Table 2. Consumer preference and acceptance towards
prototype pancakes made with sorghum our and
different proportions of xanthan gum and microbial
Consumer acceptance (%)
I like it
Neither likes
it nor dislikes it
Dislike it
P1 58 2.96 b 84.48 3.45 12.07
P2 58 2.94 c
68.97 10.34 20.69
P3 58 3.00 b
77.59 3.45 18.96
P4 58 3.04 b
79.31 5.17 15.52
P5 58 3.14 c
84.48 1.73 13.79
P6 58 3.00 b
74.14 12.07 13.79
P7 58 3.23 a
89.66 3.44 6.90
P8 58 3.12 a
77.59 12.07 10.34
P9 58 3.24 a
86.21 5.17 8.62
Control 58 3.14 a
91.38 3.45 5.17
*Sample Size
† 1 = I dislike it, 2 = I don’t like or dislike it, 3= I like it.
a, b, c
Statistical differences between different consumer groups at 95 % (Tukey).
This can be attributed to a low consistency of the pancake due
to the absence of GX; in addition, this is indicative that MTG, by
itself, does not provide the characteristics of dough and volume to be
preferred by consumers. Then, the incorporation of GX and MTG is
done in gluten-free bread in order to improve the rheology, texture,
nutritional, and even sensory properties. In this regard, Jaros et al.
(2006) indicated that MTG is one of the most widely used enzymes
in the baking industry because it catalyzes the crosslinking reactions
between glutamine and lysine/glutamine or glutamine and water.
On the other hand, Castillejos et al. (2018) stated that adding of
MTG to bread made with quinoa our and sorghum improved the
values of chewability, gumminess, and cohesion decreasing the
hardness of the product. Thus, adding of these proteins positively
affects the nutritional composition and texture properties of breads.
The MDPREF conrmed the heterogeneity of consumers in
the face of the various prototypes and quality attributes minimally
required. In this way, differentiated business strategies can be
applied, which will allow producers to adopt technological
innovation (pancake) to obtain better prots.
Figure 2 presents the internal preference mapping of the
prototypes, the control, and the consumers. The rst two factors
accounted for approximately 90.2 % of the explained variance (74.6
% and 15.6 % for the rst and second axis, respectively).
The results showed that consumers were not evenly distributed
across the quadrants of the map, reecting the existence of
heterogeneous preferences. However, the majority (60 %) of
consumers are positioned on the right side of the map (Quadrant I,
gure 2), in the direction of prototypes 5, 7, 8, and 9 where intrinsic
and extrinsic attributes are best valued.
Characteristics of the
sampled population
Sample (n=58)*
Total population of the
Mexican Republic**
Income (MXN)
Less than 5,000 6.2 29.0
5,001-10,000 10.1 32.0
10,001-15,000 12.9 34.0
15,001-20,000 17.2 3.1
20,001-30,000 25.1 1.0
Over 30,000 28.5 0.9
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Figueroa et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023 40(1): e234006
5-6 |
Figure 2. Internal preference mapping based on nine prototypes
of pancakes made with sorghum our and a commercial
pancake as a control.
So, the elaboration of gluten-free pancake with better organoleptic
characteristics, as well as functional properties, using innovative
ingredients and better prices, is a challenge for the bakery industry
(Molina-Rosell, 2013).
On the contrary, prototype 1 is positioned on the left side (Quadrant
III, gure 2), where the density of consumers decreased considerably.
The aforementioned is attributed to the fact that the hydrocolloids used
have a sensory impact on the attributes of the pancake. Gluten-free
breads are characterized by the use of specic additives to enhance
them, among which are starches, proteins, bers, fats, hydrocolloids,
and specic enzymes (Turkut et al., 2016). However, to prototype 1,
no additives were added to improve both dough development and gas
retention through increased viscosity, thus producing bread with low
baking properties and quality.
On the other hand, the control pancake was positioned in quadrant
II (gure 2) where consumers associate it with favorable intrinsic
attributes, but extrinsic attributes have a negative value. The color of
the commercial pancake was dull and brown; while pancakes made
with sorghum our were characterized by having a bright yellow crust
and a crunchy texture, so this attribute attracted consumers. Product
appearance induces an increase or decrease in repeat purchases
of the product. Studies indicate that the factors that inuence the
choice of a product are taste, quality, and appearance (García et al.,
2019). Consequently, pancake consumers seek, regardless of price, a
product that looks good, low in fat, high in protein, and with medium
durability (Meyerding et al., 2018). However, these last parameters
were not evaluated in this study.
Multiple correspondence analysis indicated dependence
= 232.4; p <0.0001) between the prototypes and the intrinsic and
extrinsic attributes of the pancake made with sorghum our. This
analysis indicated that the rst two dimensions accumulated 79.2 %
of the total inertia (Figure 3).
Aroma and sweetness tended to be better associated with
prototype 3 (Quadrants III and IV); while attributes such as softness
and adhesiveness did not seem to be associated with any prototype
(Quadrant I). Instead, color and humidity tended to be associated
with prototypes 2, 5, 6, and 7 (Quadrant II). Prototypes 9 (Quadrant
I), 4 (Quadrant (III), 8 (Quadrant IV), and the control (positioned at
the midpoint) do not seem to be associated with any of the attributes
included in this study (gure 3).
Figure 3. Mean two-dimensional positioning of attributes and
prototypes qualied by the consumer panel.
Consumers are increasingly moving towards preferring healthy,
nutritious, fat-free, low-salt, wholemeal and local bread, which
is often obtained from cereals other than wheat or pseudo cereals
(Annett et al., 2008). In this study, participants had no information
on the health benets of using sorghum our, so they were guided,
perhaps, by hedonic aspects. In this sense, Vermeir and Verbeke
(2008) mentioned that the process of food choice is the result of a
complex set of interrelated subjective and environmental factors,
which is related to many conscious aspects and also to individual,
automatic, habitual, and subconscious motivations. The rst ones
are related to the sensory characteristics, health properties, and cost
of bread, as well as consumer characteristics such as social and
economic status. These last are linked to motivational, cognitive, and
affective processes.
The sensory analysis of the composition of the pancake made with
sorghum indicated, on average, that the most important attributes that
determine the purchase preferences of the pancake were color, aroma,
and sweetness. From the business point of view, these results generate
an area of opportunity for this product with these attributes.
The study showed that the prototypes of pancakes with market
potential were 7, 9, 5, and 8 with GX and MTG proportions of (0.5/0
%), (0.5/0.5 %), (0.25/0.25 %) and (0.5/0.25 %), respectively. For
this reason, the different marketing strategies (promotion, place, and
price) must be analyzed in order to position them in the market.
Literature cited
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Awika, M., McDonough, M. & Rooney, W. (2005). Decorticating sorghum to
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The comparison of the effect of sodium caseinate, calcium caseinate,
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023, 40(1): e234006. Enero-Marzo. ISSN 2477-9407.6-6 |
carboxymethyl cellulose and xanthan gum on rice-buckwheat dough
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