© The Authors, 2023, Published by the Universidad del Zulia
*Corresponding author: xaraneda@uct.cl
Oriana Lisette Betancourt Gallegos
Ximena Andrea Araneda Duran
Héctor Gonzalo Pesenti Pérez
Leonardo Iván Anabalón Rodríguez
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023, 40(1): e234005
ISSN 2477-9407
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47280/RevFacAgron(LUZ).v40.n1.05
Associate editor: Dr. Jorge Vilchez-Perozo
University of Zulia, Faculty of Agronomy
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Galleria mellonella
DNA sequencing
Identication of the gut bacteria of the greater wax moth
Identicación de las bacterias intestinales de la polilla de la cera mayor
Identicação das bactérias intestinais da traça-cera
Departamento de Ciencias Veterinarias, Facultad de
Recursos Naturales, Universidad Católica de Temuco. Chile.
Departamento de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Acuícolas,
Facultad de Recursos Naturales, Universidad Católica de
Temuco. Chile.
Departamento de Obras Civiles y Geología, Facultad de
Ingeniería, Universidad Católica de Temuco. Chile.
Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas y Químicas, Facultad
de Recursos Naturales, Universidad Católica de Temuco.
ed: 09-08-2022
Accepted: 27-09-2022
Published: 26-12-2022
Throughout the world, the use of industrial polymers derived from
fossil fuels is practically inevitable because they have such a wide range
of applications; however, the environmental problems arising from this
practice have led to a search for alternatives which will allow their use to be
reduced, as well as strategies for their control by degradation using biorganic
active agents. Insects have been a focus of special interest, as some species
consume plastics and may serve to biodegrade them through the action of
bacteria in their digestive tracts. In this context, the object of the present
study was to characterise bacteria present in the intestine of wax moth
larvae (Galleria mellonella). Thirty larvae were subjected to a diet based on
polystyrene foam and thirty larvae in natural diet for 7 days. Gastrointestinal
tracts were extracted and PCR was run. The results showed the presence
of bacterial cells of Carnobacterium maltaromaticum, Brevibacterium
sandarakinum, Pseudomonas psychrophila, Pseudomonas sp., Providence
sp., Corynebacterium sp. However, the real action of these groups of bacteria
in the eective degradation of polymers must be veried.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023, 40(1): e234005. Enero-Marzo. ISSN 2477-9407.2-6 |
A nivel mundial la utilización de polímeros industriales de
origen de combustibles fósiles es prácticamente inevitable debido
a la diversidad de aplicaciones; sin embargo, los problemas
medioambientales que esto genera han motivado la búsqueda de
alternativas que permitan reducir el uso de estos, así como estrategias
para el control mediante la degradación, con la participación de
algunos agentes activos bio-organicos. Los insectos son de especial
interés ya que algunas especies consumen plásticos y son posibles
biodegradadores debido a la acción de bacterias de su tracto digestivo.
Considerando estos antecedentes, este estudio tuvo como objetivo
identicar bacterias presentes en el intestino de las larvas de la polilla
de la cera (Galleria mellonella). Treinta larvas fueron sometidas
a una dieta a base de espuma de poliestireno y treinta larvas a una
dieta natural por un período de 7 días. Posteriormente, se tomaron
las larvas para hacer el estudio del tracto gastrointestinal mediante
PCR. Los resultados obtenidos, demostraron la presencia de células
bacterianas de Carnobacterium maltaromaticum, Brevibacterium
sandarakinum, Pseudomonas psychrophila, Pseudomonas sp.,
Providencia sp., Corynebacterium sp. Sin embargo, es necesario
vericar la real acción en forma aislada de estos grupos de bacterias
sobre la degradación efectiva de polímeros.
Palabras clave: Galleria mellonella, plástico, secuencia ADN,
microorganismos, Pseudomonas.
Globalmente, o uso de polímeros industriais de fontes de
combustíveis fósseis é praticamente inevitável devido à diversidade
de aplicações; porém, os problemas ambientais e ambientais que estão
levando à busca de alternativas que permitam reduzir o uso destes,
bem como estratégias para controlá-los por meio da degradação, com
a participação de alguns agentes ativos bioorgânicos. Os insetos são de
interesse, como possíveis biodegradantes devido à ação de bactérias
no trato digestivo. Levando em consideração esses antecedentes,
este estudo teve como objetivo identicar as bactérias presentes no
intestino das larvas da traça-cera (Galleria mellonella). Trinta larvas
foram alimentadas com dieta de isopor y trinta larvas em dieta natural
por um período de 7 dias. Posteriormente, as larvas foram retiradas
para estudo do trato gastrointestinal por PCR. Resultados obtidos
mostraram a presencia de células bacterianas de Carnobacterium
maltaromaticum, Brevibacterium sandarakinum, Pseudomonas
psychrophila, Pseudomonas sp., Providencia sp., Corynebacterium
sp. Porém, é necessário vericar a real ação isolada desses grupos de
bactérias na degradação efetiva dos polímeros.
Palavras-chave: Galleria mellonella, plástico, sequência de DNA,
microrganismos, Pseudomonas.
Plastics are synthetic polymers, derived from fossil petroleum,
which are highly resistant to biodegradation (Bombelli et al., 2017).
They include polypropylene and polyethylene, which represent
around 92 % of the plastic produced. The latter is used for plastic bags
and sheets, plastic lms, bottles and containers, and is considered the
most durable plastic. It accumulates in the environment, creating an
ecological threat (Santo et al., 2013).
Plastic products are in everyday use thanks to their properties
of thermal and electrical insulation, as well as their good resistance
to acids, alkalis and solvents (Frías et al., 2003); they are therefore
manufactured in huge quantities. However, their degradation period
is long and complicated, making them a world-wide environmental
problem. Since 1950, around 8.3 billion metric tons of plastics have
been produced. About 6.3 billion tons have been produced since
2015, of which around 9 % have been recycled and 12% incinerated,
leaving 79 % in landll dumps or scattered around the environment
(Geyer et al., 2017).
The risk implied by the presence of these compounds in the
environment is well known, especially in the marine medium where
all organisms are threatened when they interact with the microplastics
that result from the continuous erosion of plastic rubbish (Silva et al.,
2018). Around 10 million tons of plastic has ended up in the oceans,
where the very small particles are ingested by marine organisms
(Ng et al., 2018). The most abundant source of contamination by
microplastics in the world is low-density polyethylene.
This type of pollution has become a major problem; it could be
solved by biodegradation through the action of dierent types of
microorganisms (Rani and Rao, 2012). Studies have been carried out
in species like the earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) (Oligochaeta,
Lumbricidae) to investigate how this product is absorbed and its
particle size reduced by passage through the worm’s intestine
(Huerta et al., 2016; 2018). The gastrointestinal tracts of insects are
also associated with microorganisms, controlled by the intestinal
immune system (Mukherjee et al., 2013). Each species presents a
characteristic microbiota composition, able to exist in this medium;
for example the intestine of the mealworm larvae (Tenebrio molitor
L.) (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) contains an environment in which
rapid biodegradation of polystyrene can occur (Yang et al., 2017).
Among the insect species studied for their eciency in degrading
this polymer is the greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella L.)
(Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) (Bombelli et al., 2017). It is found in
beehives and is the major pest aecting stored wax, since it feeds in
part on wax, pollen and exuviae of bee larvae (Apis mellifera) (Torres
De La Cruz et al., 2014).
In fungi, the capacity to degrade polyethylene by enzyme action
is limited to a few species (Yoshida et al., 2016); however, some
researchers, such as Abrusci et al. (2011), have based their work
on studying the behaviour of bacteria of the genera Pseudomonas
and Bacillus as possible degraders of this material. Studies indicate
that although it was regarded as inert (Kumar and Raut, 2015),
polyethylene can be used as an energy source and bacteria strains
capable of doing so can be isolated (Hadad et al. 2005).
The object of the present study was to identify bacteria present
in the intestines of wax moth larvae (Galleria mellonella) capable of
consuming plastic (polystyrene), using a microbiological method and
through PCR and sequencing.
Materials and methods
The trial was carried out in the Plant Health and Bromatology
Laboratories of the Department of Agriculture and Aquaculture
Sciences of Universidad Católica de Temuco, Temuco, Chile, between
March 2021 and November 2021.
Experimental material
The experiment used G. mellonella in the larval stage, provided
by Biobichos Ltda., Chillán, Chile. The larvae were deposited in
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Bentancort et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023 40(1): e234005
3-6 |
sterilised glass asks, closed with a wire mesh. Thirty G. mellonella
larvae were fed with expanded polystyrene (PS) y thirty with natural
diet, beewax and bran (1:1) for 7 days (ten larvae per replicate). They
were observed daily to identify any behavioural changes that might
aect the trial.
Isolation of bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract
To identify gut bacteria, three larvae were taken at random of
each repetition (nine larvae per treatment). They were sterilised
by immersion in ethanol at 75 % for 1 min and then rinsed twice
with sterile water, following the methodology described by Yang
et al. (2015). The larvae were then dissected with a scalpel on Petri
dishes to extract their intestinal systems. Bacterial development was
obtained only from the intestinal contents of larvae fed with a natural
diet, seeded in agar PC and TSA and incubated for 3 to 5 days in
aerobiotic conditions at 25 to 28 °C. The analyses included end-point
PCR amplication using specic primers for bacteria, 16S sequencing
and estimation of taxonomic diversity.
To isolate bacteria from the intestine samples, nine larvae were
disinfected supercially in sodium hypochlorite at 5 % for 10 minutes
and then rinsed ve times with sterile distilled water and placed
on sterile Petri dishes. The contents of the larvae’s intestines were
obtained by incision with a sterile scalpel, and inoculum was collected
using an inoculation loop. It was seeded in grooves in Agar PC and
Agar TSA and incubated at 25 °C, in aerobic and anaerobic conditions
(anaerobic jars), for 3 to 5 days. Once the colonies developed, pure
cultures were obtained which were characterised by Gram-staining
prior to identication tests. As it was impossible to identify the
pure cultures with the culture media and reagents available in the
laboratory, a number were selected for molecular identication.
DNA extraction
Total DNA was isolated using the QIAamp DNA Mini Kit
(QIAGEN, Hilden, Germany), following the manufacturers’ protocol.
DNA was quantied using a Qubit 2.0 uorometer (Invitrogen)
following the manufacturers’ protocol (Thermo Fisher Scientic,
USA). The integrity of the genomic DNA was conrmed by
electrophoresis in agar gel. The DNA concentration was diluted at 20
for further analysis. The samples were stored at -20°C until
PCR amplication
After DNA extraction, a PCR reaction was carried out in a
SimpliAmp thermal cycler (Applied Biosystems, USA), under
the following conditions: 40 cycles of 94 °C for 30 s, 56 °C for
30 s and 72 °C for 30 s, followed by a nal extension stage of
72°C for 2 min. The primers used were specic for amplication
of the 16S RNA ribosomal gene in the bacteria: BACT1369F
(5’-GGWTACCTTGTTACGACTT-3’) (Suzuki et al., 2000).
To discard polymerase errors, the reactions were performed in
duplicate. Both Taq polymerase and Pfu polymerase were used for
the amplications.
Sequence analysis
The sequences obtained were checked manually and edited with
BioEdit The amplication sequences were aligned using
Mega 4.0 to show polymorphisms. Genbank was then consulted to
identify the bacteria.
Results and discussion
Gram positive and negative bacteria were observed among the
strains isolated and Gram-stained; they were separated into bacillus
and coco bacillus morphologies, and yeasts (table 1). The results of
the mainly molecular identication indicate a diversity of bacteria,
including non-fermenting bacilli and Actinobacteria.
Table 1. Bacteria obtained from the digestive tract of G. mellonella
larvae with natural diet.
Bacteria Presence
*Carnobacterium maltaromaticum
*Brevibacterium sandarakinum
*Pseudomonas psychrophila
**Pseudomonas sp.
**Providence sp.
**Corynebacterium sp.
* By PCR and sequencing.
** By microbiological method
Until recently, the importance of the greater wax moth (G.
mellonella) in the degradation of microplastics was unknown.
Bombelli et al. (2017) detected the diminution of polyethylene
in the presence of this species, but we still had no information on
the capacity of their intestines to degrade microplastic – or even
potentially to produce it. Various studies stress the involvement of
wax moths in the degradation of these recalcitrant wastes, but there
is as yet no clarity as to the factors and mechanisms involved in this
process. Investigations have reported dierent elements and actions,
involving not only the digestive system of the insects studied, but also
their development stages and the various microbial communities that
develop in these systems in dierent development stages of the insect,
in dierent habitats and under dierent feeding regimes or diets. This
has opened up ample opportunities to nd biotechnological uses
through the design of biodegradation strategies for plastic in its many
Animals present associations with microorganisms in various
places, and these relations are expressed in dierent degrees of
association and sensitivity to environmental change. Diet is one of the
factors that may alter interactions between host and microorganism;
it has both short-term and long-term impacts on the sets of
bacterial communities in the animal’s gut, aecting their functional
associations and the dierent species involved. Bacterial associations
in the intestines of the larvae of Lepidoptera are particularly sensitive
to changes caused by diet and environment, which also suggests that
these bacteria are not simply temporary associates (Mason et al.,
Various investigators are helping to expand knowledge of the
microbial communities that colonise the middle and posterior
intestines of insect larvae and adults; they are very varied and several
phyla of bacteria are involved (Kong et al., 2019; Lou et al., 2020;
Ruiz et al., 2022). According to the results of the present work,
the development of Gram-positive and negative bacterial colonies
included one Actinobacteria, a lactic acid bacillus and a psychotrophic
bacterium known to form biolms; these were identied by molecular
techniques as Brevibacterium sandarakinum, Carnobacterium
maltaromaticum and Pseudomonas psychrophila respectively.
Bacteria that degrade polystyrene have been isolated, identied
and reported in numerous previous studies (Ren et al., 2019; Lou et
al., 2020; Ruiz et al., 2022); it has been reported that the majority
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023, 40(1): e234005. Enero-Marzo. ISSN 2477-9407.4-6 |
of the bacteria that degrade PS exist in the soil. However, recent
studies have reported that the intestinal bacteria of mealworm
larvae and wax moth larvae are directly involved in the degradation
of plastic, in a similar way to soil bacteria (Kim et al., 2020).
Brevibacterium sandarakinum (Actinobacteria or coryneform
bacteria) is one genus of bacteria of the order Actinomycetales.
Brevibacterium is the only genus of the family Brevibacteriaceae;
it consists of Gram-positive soil micro-organisms belonging to the
Class Actinobacteridae, B. sandarakinum was isolated from a wall
colonised by fungi by Kämpfer et al. (2010), who were the rst
to describe and name it. Its presence in an insect’s digestive tract
has not been conrmed previously, so further study is required.
Other species of Brevibacterium have been found related with
soil and with marine and freshwater ecosystems (Lewin et al.,
2016). A variety of animals and plants depend on Actinobacteria
to complement their diets or help to digest complex sources of
plant foods present in soil, sludges, compost, and in eukaryotic
associations with cellulolytic capacities. Investigations based on
sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene indicate that Actinobacteria are
most abundant in the intestines of insects that consume detritus or
decomposing wood, especially termites. In more general terms, the
cellulolytic capacities of this phylum cover a surprising diversity of
enzyme families and microbial associations which hydrolyse plant
biomass; these bacteria bring about a series of metabolic reactions
which lead to the degradation of carbonate compounds, producing
various bioproducts (Lewin et al., 2016). Their presence in the
intestines of moth larvae may be related with a particular degrading
activity of these larvae; the mechanism would be through specic
bacterial conglomerates which depend on the dietary substrate, and
pass from the substrate to colonise biolms present in the insect’s
Carnobacterium maltaromaticum belongs to a genus of
Gram-positive bacteria, of the family Carnobacteriaceae, Order
Lactobacillales. This genus is one of the lactic acid bacteria (LAB),
which produce a variety of bacteriocins and other antimicrobial
compounds such as organic acids, hydrogen peroxide, carbon
dioxide, diacetyl, acetaldehyde and fatty acids (used in biotechnology
as probiotics) (Brandon et al., 2018). In general, it is optionally
anaerobic, with some species presenting aerobic or microaerophilic
growth. C. maltaromaticum is found, together with C. divergens,
in a variety of habitats: marine, soil, compost, faecal matter, and
the intestines of moth larvae (Shannon et al., 2001). Strains of
this species express chitinase activity, which could facilitate their
survival adhering to zooplankton, as well as in the middle intestine
of larvae of dierent moth species (Leisner et al., 2007). These
characteristics, and its extensive colonisation abilities, allow C.
maltaromaticum to degrade material under diering environmental
conditions. It produces a variety of bacteriocins (carnobacteriocin,
piscicolin, piscicocin, carnocin) and causes oxidation of tryptophan
waste products, which are essential for its inhibitory activity
(Leisner et al., 2007). Shannon et al. (2001) identied a species
of the same genus, C. piscicola, in the middle intestine of larvae
of the keratinophagous species Hofmannophila pseudospretella
(Lepidoptera), which presents similar physiological and metabolic
characteristics to C. maltaromaticum.
Strains of this species or its antimicrobial metabolites have
been used as food protecting additives (Agudelo-Londoño et al.,
2015), since they can form bacterial consortia that control or even
inhibit the decomposition of foodstus – for example foods rich in
proteins and lipids – at low temperatures. Although the capacity of
C. maltaromaticum to decompose PS has not been proved, it could
help to establish biolms of microbial consortia which colonise
polymers of this kind and use them as nutrients. This aspect will be
explored in a later phase of this investigation.
P. psychrophila has been isolated from various habitats including
soil, the marine environment, decomposing muscle and the
intestines of dierent species of insect, such as Zophobas atratus.
Kim et al. (2020) state that bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas have
been reported to degrade polystyrene. Various publications indicate
that species of Pseudomonas produce bacteriocins (Agudelo-
Londoño et al., 2015). They also have the unique capability of
degrading and metabolising polymers with extracellular oxidative
and/or hydrolytic enzyme activities; these enzymes facilitate the
absorption and degradation of polymer fragments and control the
water mediated interaction between biolms and polymer surfaces
(Wilkes and Aristilde, 2017; Ghatge et al., 2020) by facilitating a
chemical change from hydrophobicity to hydrophilicity (Kim et al.,
2020). Most Gram-negative bacteria, including Pseudomonas, use
molecules of acyl homoserine lactone (AHL) as their QS signalling
molecule (communication mechanism between bacteria or quorum
of detection that regulates the expression of bacterial genes when the
bacteria live in a large community), released into the environment
by the cells. Although the role of these molecules, for example
in the decomposition of foodstus, is not clear, it is interesting
to note that lipolytic, proteolytic, chitinolytic and other enzyme
activities have been related with AHL regulation in various bacteria
(Wickramasinghe et al., 2019); this may go some way to explaining
the presence of this Pseudomonas in the digestive tract of wax moth
larvae (G. mellonella). When these molecules accumulate in the
medium and reach threshold level, all the unicellular bacteria that
identify the signalling molecule regulate their gene expression in
unison and respond to environmental stimuli as if they were a single
multicellular organism (Wickramasinghe et al., 2019). These are
aspects that should be investigated in the strain isolated, to better
characterise its biotechnological utility in PS degradation by these
The species isolated from the digestive tract of wax moth
larvae (G. mellonella) in this work, and identied by molecular
means, would be benecial for the nutritional and integral health
of the insect, providing it with a source of nitrogen (Rizzi et al.,
2013). All this requires more complete studies of the functions that
these bacteria perform in the digestive tract of the larvae, or later
development stages. One of the most notable characteristics of the
plastic degradation processes mediated by bacteria is the formation
of a biolm on the surface of the plastic, which accelerates
degradation by increasing the contact area between the bacteria and
the (hydrophobic) plastic. This increases the oxidative processes
and the general degradation mediated by enzymes secreted by the
bacteria, which in turn contribute to the formation of the biolm
(Kim et al., 2020).
According to Lou et al., (2020) PS is dicult to degrade;
only few bacteria and fungi can colonize PS lms or degrade it
at a very low rate. Specially species of the genus Pseudomonas
are among the most cited degraders for a wide range of plastics
and diverse hydrophobic polymers recalcitrant (Lou et al., 2020;
Ruiz et al., 2022). Consequently, this isolate could be the most
interesting among others. However, the isolation of intestinal
microbiota has failed to provide signicant insight into the role
of intestinal microbiota metabolic processes (Kong et al., 2019),
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Bentancort et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2023 40(1): e234005
5-6 |
therefore we need more evidence to demonstrate direct degradation
of PS by Pseudomonas psychrophila, Brevibacterium sandarakinum,
Carnobacterium maltaromaticum, Pseudomonas sp., Providence sp.
and Corynebacterium sp.
The complex biodegradation mechanisms of both polystyrene
(PS) and polyethylene (PE) have yet to be well established. The
biodegradation process has been studied using pure bacterial cultures
and complex associations, with results that indicate that various
abiotic and biotic factors play a vital role in the biodegradation of
these plastic polymers in the environment, and particularly in the
digestive system of moths (Ghatge et al., 2020).
We were able to characterise the intestinal microora of the wax
moth (G. mellonella), detecting the presence of bacteria from genera
linked with benets to the health, viability and nutrition of the host
organisms, namely Carnobacterium maltaromaticum, Brevibacterium
sandarakinum, Pseudomonas psychrophila, Pseudomonas sp.,
Providence sp., Corynebacterium sp. These bacteria may play an
important role in the formation of microbial biolms that can foment
the degradation of low density polymers. However further studies
are needed to verify their action, in isolation or in consortium, in the
degradation of these polymers under dierent conditions of larval
Funding source
The project “Biodegradation of plastics (expanded polystyrene),
through the identication of microorganisms in the digestive tract of
insects as a potential biotechnological mechanism for the management
and decontamination of ecosystems”, code 2018PRO-XA-02, from
the internal competition line of the Universidad Católica de Temuco,
Temuco, Chile, for the nancing of this work.
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