This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Bohórquez-Rivera et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(4): e2239486-6 |
Empirical knowledge, family labor, the great nutritional value of
the seed, fertile land of alluvial origin, associated producers and own
land were identied as Strengths. These strengths must be strengthened
through the socialization of the business management proposal of
the producers towards the different actors of the productive chain,
reinforcing agricultural strategies and guidelines, which allow the
producers to deepen their knowledge on issues such as the selection
and production of seeds, marketing and commercialization strategies,
aimed at achieving a product with denomination of origin.
Regarding Opportunities, there is access to government support
programs, the existence of a potential demand for products derived
from the cultivation of Sacha Inchi, in national and international
markets. It is important to seek technical assistance and training, by
linking universities, research centers and other active knowledge-
generating actors involved in the production chain. The seed and
its derived products must also be characterized compositionally,
allowing the existence of specialized production niches in the area
to be established. It is important to reinforce the marketing plans
for derived products, integrating these environmental sustainability
criteria. For example, the amount of environmental carbon captured
by Sacha Inchi crops.
Among the threats detected is that the quality of education
at the municipal level is regular, there is no periodic technical
assistance, which allows producers to deal with problems such as
the attack of pests and diseases at the root level, costs of cultivation
implementation. Also, the lack of an organic agriculture certication
for the farms and the management of the internal control system leads
to the application of chemical products, which generate residuality,
affecting the commercialization of the seed for its industrial use and
human consumption.
Through the agroecological characterization, it was observed that
many Sacha Inchi (P. volubilis L.) producers carry out agroecological
practices aimed at soil conservation, pest control, the use of compost
as fertilizer and the use of certied seed. However, elements such
as low crop rotation and the lack of alternatives to the use of
agrochemicals show the need to incorporate Good Agricultural
Practice techniques into the Sacha Inchi production system in
Arauquita, aimed at incorporating the necessary elements to make
of this a sustainable agroecological system. Their knowledge of
some agroecological concepts that they apply must be reinforced
and expanded through extension programs designed by different
actors involved in the production chain, leading to their training and
recognition as agroecological producers.
Socioeconomic grouping evidenced the need to improve access to
and quality of basic services for producers such as health, education,
and public services, and grouping by environmental indicators showed
adequate conditions in terms of soil quality and waste management.
However, it is necessary to evaluate aspects such as water erosion,
low crop rotation, and water quality and availability.
Even though the area of the Sacha Inchi (P. volubilis L.) crops
characterized is small compared to other references in the country,
the opportunity for expansion is high, given the productive yields
observed, being necessary to guarantee access to nancial resources,
generate seed transformation processes and strengthen technical and
business training processes, linking actors such as universities and
training centers (SENA) and research, which together with producers
generate new knowledge on cultivation and a vision for the generation
of agricultural companies .
Under the current context of the country, with the implementation
of the peace agreements and the need to offer productive alternatives to
coca cultivation, Sacha Inchi is presented as a highly viable crop for the
municipality of Arauquita, requiring compositional characterization
of the seed and its by-products, establishing the characteristics of
the productive system that is developed in Arauquita, which would
generate advantages to be commercialized or used by other actors that
can be linked to the productive chain.
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