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Varapizuela-Sánchez et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(4): e2239465-6 |
not enough to stimulate signicant changes. The maize coleoptiles
analyzed in this work that presented higher enzymatic activity and
greater gene expression were more resistant to infection, unlike those
that presented low enzymatic activity and gene expression, since
these changes can be affected by factors such as the environmental
ones, this is because some samples of the same race present different
The resistance of plants to the stress generated by biotic or
abiotic conditions is a very important issue, since knowing better
the resistance mechanisms will help to improve the treatments to
which they are subjected to increase their quality and production.
Several detoxifying pathways are involved in this process, which are
comprised of many enzymes that are responsible for reducing and
cushioning the damage generated by cytotoxic compounds generated
by adverse growth conditions (Ghosh, 2017; Zhou et al., 2018).
Recent studies have shown that resistance to infection by A. avus in
maize is a trait controlled by multiple genes, however, the behavior of
these genes reported in hybrids is still unknown in native lines that are
considered a great source of genomic wealth and that have adapted to
different growth conditions such as temperature, altitude, humidity,
among others, prevailing from generation to generation (Rajasekaran
et al., 2019). It is important to know the natural response mechanisms
of plants to stress, to nd varieties that are resistant to unfavorable
growth conditions, minimizing production losses and contamination
of seeds by fungi and damage to the health of those who consume the
Faced with the infection of Oaxacan maize coleoptiles by
Aspergillus avus, there was a decrease in total proteins and an
increase in the glyoxalase I response in both gene expression and
enzymatic activity in samples 1 and 5.
The high activity of the enzyme and expression of the gene
participate as a response to the infection of native maize, while low
concentrations of the enzyme and low expression to susceptibility.
However, the results should be analyzed with subsequent resistance
or susceptibility tests.
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