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Rodríguez-Cabrera et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(3): e223945
5-6 |
activity of A. mexicana could be due to the alkaloids, anthraquinones,
avonoids and terpenoids found in the crude extracts of different
parts of the plant.
A. indica extracts have been extensively studied for their
insecticidal effect. Encina Romero et al. (2011) found that the
aqueous extract of neem leaves at 1 % caused a mortality of 37.8 %
at 72 h after exposure in adult mites of the genus Tetranychus. This
mortality was similar to the corrected mortality of eggs obtained in
this investigation (39.3 %) with the supernatant ethanolic extract of
neem seeds at a concentration ten times lower. The difference could
be due to a greater susceptibility of the eggs to the activity of the
extracts and a higher concentration of active compounds in the seeds,
compared to the neem leaves.
On the other hand, the hexanic extract of A. indica seeds showed
moderate ovicidal activity with corrected mortality of T. urticae eggs
of 30 %. In other arthropods, neem has been shown to have similar
biological activity, as observed by Barrientos et al. (2018), who found
that the hexanic extract of A. indica seeds caused a mortality of 47.9,
37.5 and 27.1 % of the Meccus pallidipennis (Stal) bug nymphs
because of topical application of concentrations of 80, 60 and 30
% of the extract, respectively. The main biomolecule of A. indica is
azadirachtin, which affects the physiology and life cycle of organisms
(Esparza-Díaz et al., 2010).
No references to studies on the biological activity of ethanolic and
hexanic extracts of G. sepium and R. ehrenbergiana on phytophagous
mites were found; however, its effects have been evaluated on other
pest organisms. Martin de la Guardia et al. (2003) observed that the
ethanolic extract of G. sepium has antifeedant activity of 40 % in
larvae of Pieris phileta (Fabricius) and Plutella xylostrella (L.). In
this work, the ethanolic extract of G. sepium bark caused 27.7 % of
corrected mortality of T. urticae eggs, while the hexane extract of G.
sepium showed a corrected mortality of 17.8 % of eggs. Santacoloma
and Granados (2012), suggest that the activity of G. sepium is due to
the coumarins, tannins, lignins, phenols and saponins that it contains
in leaves and stems.
In this study, the ethanolic extract of aerial parts of R.
ehrenbergiana caused corrected mortality of T. urticae eggs of 29.4
%. No information was found on the activity of extracts of this plant
in mites, but the ethanolic extract of the root, at concentrations of 10
and 20 %, caused mortality of 83 % and 99 %, respectively, in larvae
of Culex quinquefasciatus (Say) (García, 2009). The discrepancy
could be due to the species treated or the plant tissue used and the
concentrations tested.
The ethanolic and hexanic extracts of S. molle were the ones that
presented the lowest biological activity in T. urticae
eggs with values
of 8.8 % and 0 % corrected mortality, respectively. Topuz et al. (2018)
also did not observed an effect of an essential oil from S. molle leaves
applied as a fumigant on T. urticae eggs.
The seed extracts of T. havanensis, especially the ethanolic ones,
have potential for the development of products for the management of
T. urticae, and thus, to contribute to the agroecological management
of crops. The extracts of the other plants did not show ovicidal activity
with potential for the management of T. urticae.
The authors thank to Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología
of México, for the support granted to the rst author through a
scholarship to study for a master’s degree in science.
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