© The Authors, 2022, Published by the Universidad del Zulia*Corresponding author: mavalles@unsm.edu.pe
Maricely Guevara-Sánchez
Karen Elizabet Guevara-Sánchez
Neiser Quispe-Cubas
Miguel Angel Valles-Coral
Jorge Raul Navarro-Cabrera
Lloy Pinedo
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(3): e223936
ISSN 2477-9407
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47280/RevFacAgron(LUZ).v39.n3.02
Food Technology
Associate editor: Dra. Gretty R. Ettiene Rojas
University of Zulia, Faculty of Agronomy
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Drying effect by infrared radiation on sensory quality in special coffees (Coffea arabica) cup
Efecto del secado por radiación infrarroja sobre la calidad sensorial en taza para cafés (Coffea
arabica) especiales
Efeito da secagem por radiação infravermelha na qualidade sensorial em xícara para cafés (Coffea
arabica) especiais
Asociación de productores Selva Nor Oriental-Aproselvanor,
Moyobamba, Perú.
Programa Nacional de Desarrollo Tecnológico e Innovación
– ProInnóvate, Perú.
Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Tarapoto, Perú.
Received: 02-05-2022
Accepted: 10-06-2022
The drying process of coffee (Coffea arabica) is important to achieve
quality organoleptic characteristics. The objective of the study was to
evaluate the effect of drying by means of an electromechanical system
based on infrared on sensory quality in special coffees cup. For this,
an electromechanical system was designed using infrared emitters that
combines electromagnetic radiation with conventional convective heating.
75 coffee samples were collected at three (3) height levels. The samples
underwent the traditional drying process and the electromechanical system,
to later be evaluated by professional tasters under the SCAA (Specialty
Coffee Association of America) scale. The samples dried with infrared
at 12% humidity presented a cupping value of 82.93 for cup coffee with
a smaller data dispersion than the traditional system that obtained 81.34,
in addition the t-test of non-equivalent samples indicates that its value is
signicantly better (p<0.05). We concluded that the electromechanical
system with infrared drying increased the sensory quality of coffee compared
to traditional drying.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(3): e223936. July - September. ISSN 2477-9407.
2-7 |
El proceso de secado del café (Coffea arabica), es importante para
lograr características organolépticas de calidad. El objetivo del estudio
fue evaluar el efecto del secado mediante un sistema electromecánico
basado en infrarrojos sobre la calidad sensorial en taza para cafés
especiales. Para ello se diseñó un sistema electromecánico utilizando
emisores de infrarrojos que combina radiación electromagnética con
calentamiento convencional convectivo. Se recolectaron 75 muestras
de café en tres (3) niveles de altura. Las muestras se sometieron al
proceso de secado tradicional y al sistema electromecánico, para
luego ser evaluadas por catadores profesionales bajo la escala SCAA
(Specialty Coffee Association of América). Las muestras secadas con
infrarrojo al 12 % de humedad presentaron un valor de catación de
82,93 para café en taza con una dispersión de datos menor que el
sistema tradicional que obtuvo 81,34, además la prueba t de muestras
no equivalentes indica que su valor es signicativamente mejor
(p<0,05). Se concluye que el sistema electromecánico con secado
infrarrojo aumentó la calidad sensorial del café con respecto al secado
Palabras clave: Calentamiento, catación, electromecánico,
organoléptica, SCAA.
O processo de secagem do café (Coffea arabica) é importante
para alcançar características organolépticas de qualidade. O objetivo
do estudo foi avaliar o efeito da secagem por meio de um sistema
eletromecânico baseado em infravermelho na qualidade sensorial
da xícara para cafés especiais. Para isso, foi projetado um sistema
eletromecânico utilizando emissores infravermelhos que combina
radiação eletromagnética com aquecimento convectivo convencional.
Foram coletadas 75 amostras de café em três (3) níveis de altura. As
amostras passaram pelo processo de secagem tradicional e pelo sistema
eletromecânico, para posteriormente serem avaliadas por provadores
prossionais sob a escala SCAA (Specialty Coffee Association of
America). As amostras secas com infravermelho a 12% de umidade
apresentaram um valor de degustação de 82,93 para xícara de café
com dispersão de dados menor que o sistema tradicional que obteve
81,34, além disso o teste t de amostras não equivalentes indica que
seu valor é signicativamente melhor (p<0,05). Conclui-se que o
sistema eletromecânico com secagem por infravermelho aumentou a
qualidade sensorial do café em relação à secagem tradicional.
Palavras-chave: Aquecimento, degustação, eletromecânico,
organoléptico, SCAA.
Worldwide, Peru is a benchmark in specialty coffees, producer
and exporter of organic coffee, with up to 25 % of the United States
market. In fact, its cultivation has become an important axis of the
economic and social engine (Guevara-Sánchez et al., 2019).
According to Pérez-Escalante et al. (2021); Joy Cave. (2020) and
Marquez Romero et al. (2016), coffee it is the livelihood of the highest
percentage of agricultural producing families in the departments
of Junín, San Martín and Amazonas, allowing them a decent living
standard thanks to they receive the payment of a sustainable price
for their cultivation. Coupled with the effect of farmer empowerment
strategies based on fair trade certication (Sirdey and Lallau, 2020).
On the other hand, according to the International Coffee
Organization (2021) after Brazil and Colombia, Peru is the third
largest producer in Latin America with 2.32 % of world production;
however, 85 % of coffee growers are small farmers with 1 to 5 ha of
crops. In this regard, Díaz Vargas and Willems (2017), point out that
small coffee growers have plots without technical or technological
management and only 20 % are associated, affecting the productivity
and homogeneity of the cup quality of specialty coffees. At the same
time, the weak and scattered institutions of the sector mean that
organic coffee is sold as conventional.
It should be noted that Aproselvanor (Asociación de Productores
Selva Nororiental), has 478 associated producers, of which more than
90 % apply the traditional drying method based on sunlight (Devan
et al., 2020; Vijayavenkataraman et al., 2012), which does not
guarantee the physical conditions for the preservation of the optimal
organoleptic characteristics and quality of the coffee bean (Tesfa et
al., 2021), only reaching physical averages of 60 % and 81 points
on the scale (Specialty Coffee Association, 2021). The consequences
are seen in the decrease in production, due to the characteristics of
the grain drying processes, due to loss due to rotting and mold due to
poorly controlled humidity.
Aproselvanor exports coffee containers with organic certication
and fair-trade seal; however, its capacity is limited by the need to
ensure a homogeneous moisture content that ranges between 10 and
12 %, thus avoiding microbiological deterioration, physical damage
and loss of coffee quality that is almost impossible to guarantee with
the traditional method.
A stage of the drying process that needs to be controlled is that
of grain lling, which is affected by the average temperature of the
environment, a parameter that affects the acidity and fruity character
of the drink (Bote and Jan, 2021).
The traditional drying system used by coffee farmers,
documented by Devan et al. (2020) and Vijayavenkataraman et
al. (2012), accompanied by hydrometeorological conditions with
signicant rainfall in the province, prevent standardizing the results
of the process, causing losses due to uncontrolled fermentations when
exposed to humidity and inadequate drying that changes the physical
and sensory quality of the product due to the production of volatile
compounds associated with the undesirable aroma of the grain (Leobet
et al., 2019), having to be classied as conventional coffees with a
low price in the market. According to Zartha Sossa et al. (2021) the
damage in the nutritional and organoleptic characteristics to which
the products are subjected are quite high.
For Aproselvanor, controlling the moisture present in the grains
is a great challenge, how it is stored, the environmental humidity, the
variety of the grain and the size of the particles, determine the humidity
during the drying process, thus guaranteeing the increase in grain shelf
life by reducing moisture and inactivating microorganisms (Meenu et
al., 2017). For this, different drying methods were identied, some
based on heating, infrared and intermittent microwaves (Castellanos
et al., 2018; Kaveh et al., 2021), but the lack of facilities, techniques
and technology for post-harvest activities affects in the quality of the
coffee in the cup obtained (Lao et al., 2019).
Regarding infrared (IR) emitters, there are basically two types
used in the industry, electric IR and gas IR (Pan and Atungulu, 2010).
Electric IRs emit any wavelength from short to long wavelength,
gas IRs emit medium or long wavelength offering advantages (Su
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Guevara-Sánchez et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(3): e2239363-7 |
et al., 2015). The device combines electromagnetic radiation with
conventional convective heating (Aghbashlo, 2015), considered more
efcient than both techniques separately (Zhang et al., 2019), with
high efciency and potential energy savings (Lao et al., 2019).
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of drying by
means of an electromechanical system based on infrared on sensory
quality in the cup for special coffees, for which infrared radiation
was used, which directly heats the product, with little heat loss in the
surrounding air, leading to high energy efciency and reduced drying
time due to high heating rates. In addition, with the convection heated
drying air, the evaporated water is removed in the form of saturated
air, achieving efcient drying.
In this sense, an electromechanical drying system based on far
infrared technology was designed and built, which according to
Chunshan et al. (2016), is a method to save energy and obtain effective
drying, to control the process indicators that include temperature and
relative humidity of the drying environment, time used, resulting
humidity, allowing the standardization and homogenization of the
Materials and methods
Construction of electromechanical drying system with far
infrared (FIR) technology
The prototype was designed, acquiring structural materials,
equipment, accessories with far infrared technology for its assembly,
motors, movement transmission elements and heat transfer elements
such as infrared panels.
Sample Collection
The collection of the coffee bean was carried out in 30 plots of
the provinces of Moyobamba and Rioja, which are at an altitude of
between 850 and 1,600 m.a.s.l. These were grouped and classied
by low zone, middle zone and high zone. Thirty samples of 300 g of
clean green coffee (without defects) dried in the traditional way were
collected: 10 with an average of 12.96 % humidity from the lower
area; 10 with an average of 13.13 % humidity in the middle area and
10 with 14.83 % humidity in the high area. Also included were 45
samples of 300 g of clean green coffee (without defects) dried with
the electromechanical system based on far infrared (IR) technology
with 12 % humidity: 15 samples from the lower area, 15 from the
middle area and 15 from the high area.
The collected samples received in bags with hermetic closures
were subjected to organoleptic analysis (fragrance, avor, residual
taste, acidity, body, uniformity, balance, clean cup, sweetness and
taster score), through tasting sessions, in which forms endorsed by
the SCAA (Specialty Coffee Association of America) were applied,
in order to assess the organoleptic characteristics with scores ranging
between 6 and 10 per attribute (being 6 - 6.75 good, 7 - 7.75 very
good, 8 - 8.75 excellent and 9 - 9.75 extraordinary), resulting in the
average sensory quality classication based on the total score of the
sum of the qualied attributes (less than 80 below specialty quality;
80 - 84.99 very good; 85 - 89.99 excellent; 90 - 100 extraordinary).
The tastings were carried out on homogeneous samples of coffee,
with the same levels of roasting, quantity and conditions.
Coffee cupping procedure
The samples were dried, stacked, without defects, exportable gold
coffee variety were roasted from 8 to 12 minutes, from 63 to 58 on the
Agtron roasting scale in grain and ground, from 8 to 24 hours prior to
cupping. They were stored in a cool, dry and dark place for nine (9)
hours of rest. Subsequently, 10 g of coffee were ground at 70 - 75 %,
15 minutes before infusion with 200 mL of water. The “dry” tasting
was carried out to determine fragrance, smelling and assessing in the
“In a cup”, water at 93 °C was added homogeneously. For
the analysis, the nose is brought closer to the cup and with a deep
inhalation the aromas are transmitted and identied, forming foam or
crust, the taster smells the aroma that he values. After three (3) to ve
(5) minutes of rest, with three gentle movements with a spoon, the
crust was broken, which developed the aromas for evaluation.
For the taste, acidity and body test, the crust was removed and only
coffee with liquid was left at 71 °C. The parameters were determined
by absorbing the coffee with the testing spoon covering the mouth,
tongue and upper palate and spitting out the drink.
The nal analysis was uniformity, sweetness and clean cup.
It was obtained by testing each cup, no more than ve per sample.
The process was based, in the same way, on the absorption and
determination by the sense of taste.
The peculiarities were scored and noted. Tastings with
characteristics that were not favorable to the quality of the product
throughout the process were punished and valued as defects, lowering
the nal evaluation.
Results and discussion
Construction of the electromechanical drying system with far
infrared technology
System design
For the design, AutoCAD was used for the 2D structural
plans, and Autodesk Inventor Professional for the modeling of 3D
views, resulting in the designs shown in gures 1 and 2, in which,
geometrically, a cylindrical shape positioned horizontally whose
rotation it is achieved thanks to a system of driving force multiplied
by gear and pinion transmission.
Rotating cylindrical drying chamber
The cylinder was perforated 1.2 m x 2.4 m, for the coffee beans,
this perforated surface served to transfer far infrared rays and
facilitate vapor evacuation. Technically, the rate of heat transfer is
in equilibrium with the latent heat consumed by evaporation. During
this condition, most of the water evaporates including moisture on
the surface of the product; the rate of heat transfer is greater than
the latent heat consumed by evaporation and the temperature of the
product increases, in this sense, the rate of drying decreases and
is controlled by the rate of diffusion of water on the surface of the
product (Adonis and Khan, 2004).
Preheated air blower or fan and heater unit
They are responsible for heating and injecting the heated air ow
into the rotary dryer, which is distributed by the interior air diffuser
that is attached to the rotary cylinder chamber. The heating system
delivers heat from two infrared burners whose fuel used It was
liqueed petroleum gas (LPG) and coffee husks.
The emitters are distributed on both sides of the drying chamber,
internally and externally, a panel holder and a displacement mechanism
have been conditioned for their handling. They are responsible for the
emission of far infrared waves from the center of the prototype to the
receptors that are the wet coffee beans subjected to drying. In Figure
2 it appears unfolded thanks to the mounting system attached to it.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(3): e223936. July - September. ISSN 2477-9407.
4-7 |
Figure 3. Time and temperature used for infrared drying.
Harvest height, cupping and moisture percentage
The results obtained from the cupping according to the Specialty
Coffee Association (2021),
the harvest height and the percentage
of humidity of the samples obtained by the traditional method are
presented in table 1. Thus, on average the samples from the lower
area presented 80.15 in tasting, 814 m.a.s.l. and 12.96 %; in the
middle area, 81.22 in tasting, 1271 m.a.s.l. and 13.13 %; in the
upper area 82.65 in tasting; 1460 m.a.s.l. and 14.83 %, respectively.
The result of the cupping according to the Specialty Coffee
Association (2021), harvest height and moisture percentage
obtained by the infrared-based electromechanical system is shown
in table 2. On average, the samples from the lower area presented
82.05 in cupping, 818.3 m.a.s.l. and 12.96% humidity; in the middle
area they reached 83.05 in tasting and 1,270 m.a.s.l.; in the high
area 83.70 and 1 460 m.a.s.l., respectively. Due to the infrared-
based electromechanical drying system, the samples reached a
relative humidity of 12%.
Analysis of the results of coffee cupping
Based on the data obtained in the organoleptic evaluation forms of
the coffee beans, a comparative descriptive statistical analysis
was carried out (table 3) of the two types of drying.
The descriptive results obtained show better values in the
organoleptic characteristics evaluated for the case of the IR system,
which were like those reported by Guevara-Sánchez et al. (2019),
in which the flavor, fragrance, acidity and body attributes of the
coffee tasted by specialists, made with mechanical drying, obtained
higher values compared to the traditional method, favoring the cup
score with up to 2 % more than performance. Likewise, in the
study carried out by Lao et al. (2019), in which they used the
IR-based electromechanical system, achieved the objective of
producing high-quality food efficiently.
Subsequently, different inferential statistical tests were
carried out (table 4) that allowed the analysis of the results and
gave greater support to the process.
The mean with the traditional method was 81.34, with standard
deviation and mean standard error higher than the mean of 82.93
for the electromechanical system. This indicates that the cupping
value with the electromechanical system is higher and the data is
less dispersed. To validate this statement, the data normality
test was carried out (table 5).
Assembly and installation of the drying prototype and its
The joint assembly was carried out for function tests and
calibration, provision of adequate electricity supply to its drives
and emitters of far infrared waves. Knowing the elements that are
part of the electrical circuit, the control system required to carry out
the start-up and start-up of the actuator that is part of the prototype
was designed.
Figure 1. 2D design of the far infrared rotary dryer.
Figure 2. 3D design of the far infrared rotary dryer.
Sensor mounting
For humidity measurement, a microwave sensor was used
whose operating characteristics have been carefully evaluated and
selected. For the temperature measurement of the heated air ow, a
J-type temperature sensor was used. For the loading and unloading
positioning of the equipment, inductive sensors were used.
Drying time
Figure 3 presents the values of the drying speed and temperature
inside the cylindrical chamber used in the IR system, the results of
the middle zone (1271 m.a.s.l.) were used as a reference.
It is observed in gure 3, that the drying time with IR was
approximately 12 hours, reducing the humidity of the coffee bean
from 34.62 to 13.13 %, during the drying process the temperature
of the cylindrical chamber worked in the range from 35.20 to 87.20
°C, likewise, the physical temperature of the coffee beans ranged
between 23.96 °C minimum and 44.62 °C maximum. It should be
considered as the altitude of the collected grain samples increases,
that the incident radiation decreases, so the heat transfer is less,
which affects the increase in the drying time of the coffee beans
(Guevara-Sánchez et al., 2019). Therefore, the statement applies, in
this case, if the height is less, the time used for the drying process
will be less.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Guevara-Sánchez et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(3): e2239365-7 |
Table 1. Tasting value, harvest height and moisture percentage obtained by the traditional method.
Low area Middle area High area
Sample SCAA Height
Sample SCAA Height
Sample SCAA Height
A-01 80.25 850 12.0 A-11 81.75 1200 13.0 A-21 82.50 1400 14.0
A-02 79.75 900 12.5 A-12 81.50 1250 13.0 A-22 82.50 1430 15.3
A-03 82.00 920 13.5 A-13 81.50 1100 13.8 A-23 82.00 1500 16.0
A-04 81.50 880 14.0 A-14 80.50 1300 14.0 A-24 82.50 1550 13.0
A-05 80.78 780 12.0 A-15 81.25 1350 13.0 A-25 82.75 1600 12.0
A-06 81.00 700 12.0 A-16 81.75 1400 12.5 A-26 83.25 1300 17.0
A-07 80.00 720 12.5 A-17 80.25 1380 12.0 A-27 82.75 1460 13.5
A-08 72.00 800 13.6 A-18 81.75 1250 13.0 A-28 82.25 1600 17.5
A-09 82.25 790 14.0 A-19 80.50 1200 14.0 A-29 82.50 1360 12.0
A-10 82.00 800 13.5 A-20 81.50 1280 13.0 A-30 83.50 1400 18.0
Mean 80.15 814 12.96 Mean 81.22 1271 13.13 Mean 82.65 1460 14.83
Table 2. Tasting value, harvest height and humidity percentage obtained by the infrared-based electromechanical system.
Low area Middle area High area
Sample Taste Height Sample Taste Height Sample Taste Height
SEC-001 82.50 890 SEC-016 82.75 1183 SEC-031 83.00 1443
SEC-002 82.25 890 SEC017 83.50 1183 SEC032 83.50 1443
SEC-003 81.50 890 SEC-018 83.25 1183 SEC-033 83.25 1443
SEC-004 82.00 890 SEC-019 82.50 1183 SEC-034 84.00 1443
SEC-005 82.25 890 SEC-020 83.00 1183 SEC-035 82.50 1443
SEC-006 82.50 787 SEC-021 83.75 1350 SEC-036 83.50 1483
SEC-007 82.50 787 SEC-022 83.25 1350 SEC-037 84.00 1483
SEC-008 82.00 787 SEC-023 82.50 1350 SEC-038 84.20 1483
SEC-009 82.25 787 SEC-024 82.75 1350 SEC-039 83.00 1483
SEC-010 81.00 787 SEC-025 83.25 1350 SEC-040 84.00 1483
SEC-011 82.00 778 SEC-026 83.50 1278 SEC-041 83.75 1455
SEC-012 82.50 778 SEC-027 82.50 1278 SEC-042 84.00 1455
SEC-013 81.75 778 SEC-028 82.50 1278 SEC-043 84.25 1455
SEC-014 81.50 778 SEC-029 83.50 1278 SEC-044 84.50 1455
SEC-015 82.25 778 SEC-030 83.25 1278 SEC-045 84.00 1455
Mean 82.05 818.3 Mean 83.05 1270 Mean 83.70 1460
Note: The humidity percentage obtained with the electromechanical system was 12 %.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Guevara-Sánchez et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(3): e2239366-7 |
Table 3. Effect of the type of drying on the SCAA value.
Traditional drying Drying with IR technology
Analysis Low Middle High Low Middle High
Fragrance 7.25 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.75 7.75
Taste 7.25 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.75 7.75
Residual taste 7.00 7.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50
Acidity 7.25 7.25 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.75
Body 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.75
Uniformity 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
Balance 7.25 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.75
clean cup 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
Sweetness 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
Taster score 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.25 7.50 7.50
Total score 80.00 81.25 8.5 82.00 83.00 83.75
Table 4. Main statistics of the tasting process by type of drying.
Item drying N Mean Standard deviation Mean standard error
Traditional 30 81.34 2.01 0.37
45 82.93 0.83 0.12
Table 5. Normality tests.
Item Drying type
Kolmogorov-Smirnova >30 Shapiro-Wilk <= 30
Statistical DF Sig. Statistical DF Sig.
0.14 45 0.02 0.97 45 0.34
Traditional 0.20 30 0.00 0.64 30 0.00
a. Lilliefors signicance correction
The results of the cupping in both treatments presented a normal distribution (tables 4 and 5). The t-test for independent samples was applied
(table 6).
Table 6. Independent samples test.
Levene test for
of variances
t test for equality of means
F Sig. T DF Sig. (bilateral) Mean difference
Standard error
95% CI of the difference
Lower Higher
2.99 0.09 4.74 73 0.00 1.59 0.34 0.92 2.26
4.11 35.70 0.00 1.59 0.39 0.80 2.37
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Guevara-Sánchez et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(3): e2239367-7 |
In tables 4 and 6, it is observed that the cupping value of samples
dried with the IR system was different from the traditional system
(P<0.05), so it is inferred that with the electromechanical prototype a
greater effectiveness in sensory quality of coffee was obtained. Similar
results were reported in different studies, in which the highest cupping
values were obtained through articial drying, using drying tunnels
based on heated air (Tesfa et al., 2021), by far infrared convection
(Chunshan et al., 2016; Lao et al., 2019), and by mechanical drying
(Guevara-Sánchez et al., 2019).
The built electromechanical drying system works safely. The
function tests, temperature and heat transfer tests of the heating unit, as
well as the correct displacement of the external emitters in its bearing
structure were successful. Humidity, temperature and positioning
sensors have been installed by specialists in instrumentation,
connectivity and programming.
The results indicate that the infrared-based electromechanical
system increased the sensory quality of the coffee compared to
traditional drying, since the sensory quality of the beans at the
evaluated altitudes was higher. Likewise, the values of the applied
tasting and statistical tests showed that the sensory quality obtained
is due to the type of drying used that preserves the attributes of the
coffee. Determining that electromechanical drying is an efcient and
effective alternative for the drying processing of coffee beans for the
agricultural sector, which seeks to ensure the appropriate organoleptic
characteristics for the commercialization of specialty coffees.
To the Programa Nacional de Desarrollo Tecnológico e Innovación
- ProInnóvate for the nancing of the project "Incremento de la
calidad en taza para cafés especiales con la aplicación y validación de
un sistema electro-mecánico de secado, con tecnología de infrarrojos
lejanos (IR) en Aproselvanor, Provincia Moyobamba - Región San
Martín", Contract No. 293-INNOVATEPERU-PIEC1-2019.
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