© The Authors, 2021, Published by the Universidad del Zulia*Corresponding author: bleon@undc.edu.pe
Betsabe Leon Ttacca
Almendra Astete Farfán
Luz Leonor Mattos Calderón
Enrique Arévalo Gardini
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(1): e223922
ISSN 2477-9407
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47280/RevFacAgron(LUZ).v39.n1.22
Crop Production
Associate editor: Professor Beltran Briceño
Endophytic mycobiota associated
to plants of
Vaccinium corymbosum L. in Cañete valley- Perú
Micobiota endófita asociada a plantas de Vaccinium corymbosum L. en el valle Cañete- Perú
Micobiota endofítica associada a plantas de Vaccinium corymbosum L. no vale do Cañete - Perú
Escuela profesional de Agronomía, Facultad de Ciencias
Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Cañete. Jr. San Agustín
124, San Vicente de Cañete Lima, Perú.
Laboratorio de Sanidad Vegetal, Facultad de Ciencias
Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Cañete. Jr. San Agustín
124, San Vicente de Cañete Lima, Perú.
Escuela Profesional de Agronomía, Departamento
Académico de Fitopatología, Universidad Nacional Agraria
La Molina, Apartado postal 12-056 - La Molina / Lima-Perú.
Universidad Nacional Autónoma del Alto Amazonas,
Yurimaguas, Loreto, Perú. Instituto de Cultivos Tropicales,
Taparopo, San Martín, Perú.
Received: 12-05-2021
Accepted: 01-12-2021
Published: 04-03-2022
Endophytic fungi (EF) are microorganisms that live asymptomatically
within plant tissues. They can confer benets to the plant as inducers of
resistance to pests and diseases, tolerance to abiotic factors, plant growth
promoters and mycoparasites of pathogens. This study aimed to isolate,
identify, and determine occurrence frequency of endophytic fungi in
stems and leaves of blueberry plants collected from ten farms in Lima
and Ica Region, Peru. Productive branches of 39 healthy plants were
sampled. For the isolation of EF, 702 tissue sections were disinfected and
transferred to Petri dishes with potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium, and
reproductive structures were induced for identication. A total of 134 EF
strains were isolated successfully. Nine genera were identied (Trichoderma,
Aspergillus, Alternaria, Ulocladium, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Nigrospora,
Lasiodiplodia and Stemphylium). EF occurrence frequency varied greatly
between organs, being in leaves more frequent than the stems; likewise, the
genera Alternaria and Cladosporium were the most frequent and with most
colonized in plant tissues, while Aspergillus, Ulocladium and Lasiodiplodia
were the least frequent. These strains could be useful to control plant diseases
and, therefore, of great interest in sustainable agriculture.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(1): e223922. January - March. ISSN 2477-9407.
2-7 |
Los hongos endótos (HE) son microorganismos que viven
de manera asintomática dentro de los tejidos vegetales. Pueden
conferir benecios a la planta, comoinductores de resistencia a
plagas y enfermedades, tolerancia a factores abióticos, promotores
de crecimiento vegetal y micoparásitos de patógenos. El objetivo
del presente trabajo fue aislar e identicar los hongos endótos,para
determinar su frecuencia de aparición en tallos y hojas de plantas de
arándano,colectadas en 10 fundosde la región Lima e Ica, Perú. Se
muestrearon ramas productivas de 39 plantas sanas, y fueron llevadas
al laboratorio de Sanidad Vegetal de la Universidad Nacional de
Cañete. Para el aislamiento de HE, 702 secciones de tejidos fueron
desinfestados y transferidos a placas Petri con medio de cultivo papa
dextrosa agar (PDA) y se indujo estructuras de reproducción para
la identicación. Un total de 134 cepas de HE fueron aisladas, de
los cuales se identicaron nueve géneros (Trichoderma, Aspergillus,
Alternaria, Ulocladium, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Nigrospora,
Lasiodiplodiay Stemphylium). La frecuencia de aparición de los
HE fue muy variada según los órganos. Las hojas tuvieron mayor
frecuencia que los tallos; así mismo, los géneros Alternaria y
Cladosporium resultaron ser los más frecuentes y con mayor
colonización en los tejidos de las plantas mientras que Aspergillus,
Ulocladium y Lasiodiplodia fueron los menos frecuentes. Estas cepas
podrían ser útiles para el control de enfermedades vegetales y, por
consiguiente, de gran interés en la agricultura sostenible.
Palabras clave: Hongo, arándano, colonización, identicación,
Os fungos endofíticos (FE) são microrganismos que vivem
de forma assintomática nos tecidos vegetais. Eles podem conferir
benefícios à planta, como indutores de resistência a pragas e doenças,
tolerância a fatores abióticos, promotores de crescimento vegetal
e micoparasitas de patógenos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi isolar
e identicar fungos endofíticos, para determinar sua frequência de
aparecimento em caules e folhas de plantas de mirtilo, coletados
em 10 fazendas na região de Lima e Ica, Peru. Ramos produtivos
de 39 plantas sadias foram amostrados e levados ao laboratório de
Fitossanidade da Universidade Nacional de Cañete. Para o isolamento
de FE, 702 cortes de tecido vegetal foram desinfetados e transferidos
para placas de Petri contendo como meio de cultura batata dextrose
ágar (PDA), e as estruturas de reprodução foram induzidas para
identicação. Um total de 134 cepas de FE foram isoladas, das
quais nove gêneros foram identicados (Trichoderma, Aspergillus,
Alternaria, Ulocladium, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Nigrospora,
Lasiodiplodia e Stemphylium). A frequência de aparecimento de FE
foi muito variada de acordo com os órgãos. As folhas tiveram maior
frequência do que os caules; da mesma forma, os gêneros Alternaria e
Cladosporium foram os mais frequentes e com maior colonização nos
tecidos vegetais, enquanto Aspergillus, Ulocladium e Lasiodiplodia,
foram os menos frequentes. Essas cepas podem ser úteis para o
controle de doenças de plantas e,portanto, de grande interesse uma
agricultura sustentável.
Palavras-chave: Fungo, mirtilo, colonização, cepas, identicados.
The blueberry is the second most exported product of the
Peruvian fruit and vegetable basket. The United States of America
is one of the main destinations for Peruvian exports with a 55%
share during the 2019-2020 agricultural campaign, because they are
the largest consumer of this fruit worldwide (Redagricola, 2020).
The requirements of the global blueberry market require organic
production of this fruit, with the biological control of diseases being
one of the key factors in this practice. A study of its endophytic
mycobiota would allow the identication of microorganisms that
could help in this process, contributing to the current demands of
international markets.
Endophytic fungi are symbiotic organisms that live in association
with plants for most or all of their life cycle. These microorganisms
cover different orders, they are found inside the tissues, in the
intercellular spaces and sometimes, intracellularly in leaves, stems
and owers, absorbing nutrients from the plant without producing
symptoms of any disease, on the contrary they provide protection
against biotic agents and abiotic (Busby et al., 2016; Carroll,
1988; Lugtenberg et al., 2016; Mane et al., 2018). In the process of
biocontrol of diseases, these microorganisms protect the host plant
mainly through antibiosis, parasitism and competition mechanisms,
which by inhibiting the growth of plant pathogens, result in better
plant performance (Segaran and Sathiavelu, 2019).
Currently, endophytic fungi are investigated in many crops,
due to their importance in plants (Busby et al., 2016; Mane et al.,
2018). They are found in some species of Vaccinium and are divided
into endophytic, pathogenic and ectotrophic (Miao et al., 2013). In
leaves of Vaccinium dunalianum, the existence of a high diversity
of these fungi is reported, managing to identify taxa with potential
antimicrobial activity, being a source of natural bioactive compounds
for future agroindustrial applications (Fan et al., 2020; Li et al.,
2016). However, in Vaccinium corymbosum there are no studies
on the presence of these microorganisms. The report of associated
endophytic fungi in blueberry production will be very useful for the
search for strains with potential for biocontrol of diseases in this
crop. With the isolation of endophytic fungi from plants, biologically
active agents can be produced on a large commercial scale, without
affecting ecological biodiversity, since they are easily cultivated in
the laboratory (Mane et al., 2018). For these reasons, the objective
of this research is to isolate, identify and determine the frequency of
appearance of endophytic fungi in stems and leaves of blueberries
(Vaccinium corymbosum L.) produced in the Cañete valley in Lima,
Materials and methods
Sample Collection
During the months of January, February and March 2020, 39
healthy blueberry plants of the Biloxi variety, three years old, were
sampled in 13 production lots belonging to ten farms in four districts
of the province of Cañete, Lima Region (Nuevo Imperial, Imperial,
Roma and Quilmaná) and on a farm in the district and province of
Pisco, Ica Region under a denitive soil production system (Table
1). The climate of the province of Cañete is temperate with an
average temperature of 13 °C in winter and 28 °C in summer and an
average annual rainfall of 11.4 mm. The crop production system is
carried out in black polyethylene bags (instead of pots) containing
a substrate composed of peat and rice husks, all plantations are
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
León et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(1): e2239223-7 |
irrigated and fertilized through the system called “drip irrigation”. A
non-probabilistic - intentional or convenience sampling method was
used (Arias-Gómez et al., 2016), three blueberry plants with the best
characteristics in terms of growth and health were selected from each
production lot. For each plant, productive branches were extracted
from the lower, middle and upper third, the samples were labeled,
deposited in polypropylene bags and taken to the Plant Health
Laboratory of the Universidad Nacional de Cañete (UNDC) being
kept at 4 °C for 24 to 48 hours until processing.
Isolation of endophytic fungi
To obtain plant tissue sections, three leaves and three stem pieces
were taken from each third of the blueberry plant; For each leaf, a
section of 1 cm
was obtained between the central rib and the edge
of the leaf, and 1 cm lenth for each piece of stem, having 18 sections
per plant and 54 sections per lot (three plants). For the isolation
of endophytic fungi, the supercial disinfestation of the sections
of stems and leaves was carried out inside a biosafety cabinet, by
means of immersion; previously, the different sections were washed
with sterile distilled water (ADE), followed by 3 min in 2% sodium
hypochlorite, 1 min in 70% (v/v) alcohol, and three washes with
ADE (De Sousa Leite et al., 2013). Sterilized tissue sections were
placed on sterile paper towels to dry. The material was then cut into
small fragments (approximately 5 mm
), and a total of 702 tissue
sections (from 39 plants) were aseptically transferred to Petri dishes
(6 sections per plate) containing potato dextrose agar (PDA) culture
medium with chloramphenicol (500 mg.L
) to rule out the presence
of bacteria (Lima and Cavalcanti, 2014; Mane et al., 2018). The
seeded Petri dishes were incubated in the dark at 25 °C for seven
days, after this time, the strains were puried by successive picking
of the youngest fungal mycelial edges until an axenic culture was
obtained, then they were placed under articial light for seven days to
induce the production of sexual and asexual reproductive structures
for identication. Strains that failed to form reproductive structures
were left under light for up to 30 days and were observed daily for
structures. The presence of a fungus was recorded as positive if it
was detected in an organ segment. The colonization percentage was
determined for each plant as the total number of sections colonized by
the fungus in relation to the total number of fragments per 100 (Russo
et al., 2016).
Morphological identication of endophytic fungi
The identication of the strains of endophytic fungi was carried
out at the genus level, using the conventional method based on their
morphological characteristics (Aharwal and Kumar, 2016). From
the axenic cultures of the fungi in PDA, the cultural characteristics
of the colony were observed, such as appearance, diameter, texture
and coloration, and the microscopic characteristics: type and size
of the vegetative and reproductive structures. Fragments of mycelia
were extracted from the cultures and placed on slides containing
lactophenol, the structures were visualized with an Olympus brand
binocular optical microscope, model CX23, series 7L88230 and with
the use of taxonomic keys of Barnett and Hunter (1998), Barron
(1968) and Watanabe (2002) endophytic fungal strains were identied
to the genus level.
Analysis of data
To analyze the relationship between the variables presence or
absence of each of the genera of endophytic fungi detected by organs
(leaves and stems) and production lots, the non-parametric Pearson
Chi-square test was used with the statistical program Infostatversión
2008 (Di Rienzo et al., 2008).
Results and discussion
Isolation and identication of endophytic fungi from leaves
and stems
In this study, a total of 133 strains of endophytic fungi were
isolated from healthy plant tissues of Vaccinium corymbosum L., 82
strains from leaves and 51 from stems. According to the cultural and
morphological characteristics of the fungi, nine genera belonging to
the Ascomycota division were identied: Alternaria, Aspergillus,
Cladosporium, Fusarium, Lasiodiplodia, Nigrospora, Stemphylium,
Trichoderma and Ulocladium (gure 1); There was also a group of
endophytic fungi (21 strains) that did not form reproductive structures,
which is why they were called sterile mycelium.
Table 1. Sampling locations for blueberry plants in the province of Cañete and Pisco, 2020, Peru.
Zone Lot Province District Farm South Latitude West Longitude
(m a.s.l)
Zone 1 Lot 1 y 2 Cañete Quilmaná Blueagro 12°57’17’ 76°21’39’ 169
Zone 2 Lot 3 Cañete Quevo Imperial Agropec 13°00’35’ 76°21’09’ 153
Zone 3 Lot 4 Cañete Quilmaná Agroberries 12°58’08’ 76°21’54’ 138
Zone 4 Lot 5 Cañete Imperial Peruvian Prime (Huacachivato) 13°03’59’ 76°20’24’ 98
Zone 5 Lot 6 y 7 Cañete Nuevo Imperial Fundo a3f- Caltopia 13°03’49’ 76°14’30’ 333
Zone 6 Lot 8 Cañete Quilmaná Los Ángeles 12°57’16’ 76°21’28’ 159
Zone 7 Lot 9 Cañete Imperial Arándanos del Sur Cerro Alegre 13°02’02’ 76°21’05’ 137
Zone 8 Lot 10 Cañete Imperial Malvinas 13°02’02’ 76°21’05’ 137
Zone 9 Lot 11 Cañete Roma Agroconta 13°01’20’ 76°20’47’ 162
Zone 10 Lot 12 Cañete Quilmaná Agroconta – Victoria 12°59’13’ 76°24’12’ 110
Zone 11 Lot 13 Pisco Pisco Agroinversiones Valle y Pampa 13°48’19’ 76°03’19’ 279
Note. The selection of number of plots for each sampling zone is in accordance with availability of plots in the estates with plantations of V. corymbosum var. Biloxy of the
same age and crop management system.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(1): e223922. January - March. ISSN 2477-9407.
4-7 |
Figure 1. Genera of endophytic fungi identied in Vaccinium
corymbosum L. from the province of Cañete. Lima
Peru. A. Alternaria sp. B. Stemphylium sp. C. Trichoderma
sp. D. Cladosporium sp. E. Nigrospora sp. F. Aspergillus sp. G.
Ulocladium sp. H. Lasiodiplodia sp. I. Fusarium sp. at 100X.
Genus frequencies of endophytic fungi on leaves and stems
of blueberry plants
The genera of the endophytic fungi and the plant organs where
they are found vary according to the type of plant organ and the
production lot (p=0.0054) and are associated with the production
lots (p<0 .0001).
Of the total strains isolated from blueberry plants, 61.65%
were from leaves and 38.35% from stems. Being the genera
Alternaria, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Nigrospora, Stemphylium
and Ulocladium the most frequent in leaves; on the contrary,
Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Lasiodiplodia and Trichoderma
appeared more frequently in stems. Likewise, of the total strains
isolated and identied in stems and leaves, Alternaria and
Cladosporiumwere the most frequent genera with 44% and 23%
respectively, followed by Stemphylium and Nigrospora with 5%,
Trichoderma with 4% and Fusarium with 3 %; while the genera
Aspergillus, Lasiodiplodia and Ulocladium were the least frequent
with 1 %. In the production plots, the relative frequency varied from
3.01 to 14.29%, in plot 2 it was observed with the highest presence
of strains of endophytic fungi compared to plot 7, which was the
one with the lowest frequency (gure 2 and table 2).
23 %
Sterile mycelium
5 %
5 %
Figure 2. Percentage relative frequency of genera of endophytic
fungi isolated from blueberry plants (Vaccinium
corymbosum L.) from production plots in the province
of Cañete, Peru, 2020.
Table 2. Absolute and relative frequencies with the variables production plots, genera of endophytic fungi, leaves and stems of blueberry
Genera of endophytic fungi associated with blueberry leaves (H) and stems (T).
Alternaria Aspergillus Cladosporium Fusarium Lasiodiplodia
Nigrospora Stemphylium Trichoderma Ulocladium Total
Plot 1 3 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 11 8.27
Plot 2 6 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 14.29
Plot 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 11.28
Plot 4 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 12.03
Plot 5 4 1 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 5.26
Plot 6 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 9 7.52
Plot 7 3 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 3.01
Plot 8 6 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 4.51
Plot 9 4 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6.02
Plot 10 4 4 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 19 6.77
Plot 11 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 3 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 15 5.26
Plot 12 8 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 10.53
Plot 13 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 7 5.26
Total FA
45 13 0 1 11 19 3 1 0 1 12 9 4 2 5 1 1 4 1 0 133
Total FR
33.8 9.77 0 0.75 8.27 14.3 2.26 0.75 0 0.75 9.02 6.77 3.01 1.5 3.76 0.75 0.75 3.01 0.75 0
FA: Absolute frequency RF: Relative frequency expressed as a percentage.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
León et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(1): e2239225-7 |
Of the total isolated strains and genera identied in blueberry
plants, Aspergillus and Lasiodiplodia were only found in stems;
Similarly, Ulocladium only in leaves compared to the other
genera that were isolated in both organs. This is how, in leaves,
Alternaria was the most frequent genus with 54.88% followed
by Cladosporium with 13.41%, the opposite resulted in stems,
the genus Cladosporium was the most frequent with 37.25%
followed by Alternaria with 25.49%; while the least frequent were
Ulocladium and Trichoderma with 1.22% in leaves, and Aspergillus,
Stemphylium and Lasiodiplodia with 1.96% in stems (gure 3).
Alternaria (54.88)
Alternaria (25.49)
Aspergillus (0.00)
Aspergillus (1.96)
Cladosporium (13.41)
Cladosporium (37.25)
Fusarium 3.66
Fusarium (1.96)
Lasiodiplodia (0.00)
Lasiodiplodia (1.96)
St erile mycelium (14.63)
St erile mycelium (17.65)
Nigrospora (3.92)
Stemphylium (6.10)
Nigrospora (4.88)
Trichoderma (7.84)
Ulocladium (1.22)
Trichoderma (1.22)
Ulocladium (0.00)
0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00
Relative frecuency (%)
Figure 3. Percentage relative frequency of genera of endophytic
fungi at the level of leaves and stems of blueberry
plants (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) in the province of
Cañete, Peru, 2020.
The colonization of endophytic fungi in the tissues of three-year-
old blueberry plants, under a production system in polyethylene
bags, varies from 5.56% to 19.91%, with the Alternaria genus
having the highest colonization, followed by Nigrospora; while the
genera Aspergillus, Lasiodiplodia and Ulocladium presented the
lowest colonization (table 3).
Table 3. Percentage of colonization of genera of endophytic
fungi isolated from stems and leaves of blueberry
plants in the province of Cañete, Peru, 2020.
Endophytic colonization (%)
Leaves Stems Plant
Alternaria 10.88 9.03 19.91
Aspergillus 0 5.56 5.56
Cladosporium 6.12 7.04 13.16
Fusarium 8.34 5.56 13.9
Lasiodiplodia 0 5.56 5.56
Sterile mycelium 6.02 6.26 12.28
Nigrospora 5.56 11.11 16.67
Stemphylium 6.95 5.56 12.51
Trichoderma 5.56 7.41 12.97
Ulocladium 5.56 0 5.56
Of the identied genera, Alternaria and Cladosporium were
the most frequent endophytic fungi followed by sterile mycelium
(microorganisms did not form reproductive structures); likewise,
the greatest diversity was in blueberry leaves. Similar studies
indicate that these genera were also the most frequent endophytes
in soybeans (Impullitti and Malvick, 2013). On the other hand,
Larrain et al. (2000) reported that the highest number of endophytic
fungal taxa isolated were from the leaves of healthy wheat plants.
Likewise, Cladosporium was one of the genera most frequently
isolated from Glycine max leaves (Fernandes et al., 2015). Instead,
Cladosporium cladosporioides was sporadically reported on healthy
leaves of Caesalpinia echinata Lam. (Lima and Cavalcanti, 2014).
They were also reported on the leaves of Vaccinium dunalianum
var. Urophyllum the greatest diversity of endophytic fungi and the
genus Cladosporium was found in branches (Li et al., 2016). In
contrast, a higher number of endophytes were isolated from stem
tissues than from leaves in soybean and corn varieties (Russo et
al., 2016).
Species of Fusarium, Aspergillus, Alternaria and Nigrospora
were reported as stem and leaf endophytes in medicinal plants with
a colonization frequency of less than 6.66% (Anitha et al., 2013).
Likewise, the endophytic genera Cladosporium, Nigrospora and
Trichoderma were isolated from leaves of Caesalpinia echinata
Lam. less frequently (Lima and Cavalcanti, 2014). Similarly, in
this investigation, these genera appeared less frequently in the
tissues of blueberry plants, as well as Ulocladium, Lasiodiplodia
and Stemphilium, except for Alternaria and Cladosporium, which
were the ones that presented the highest frequency. On the contrary,
Piontelli et al. (2002) reported the genus Ulocladium as the most
dominant endophyte in all steps and plant substrates. Likewise,
the most frequently isolated species in soybean was Fusarium
and Aspergillus terreus in corn (Russo et al., 2016).
Likewise, Ulocladium, Fusarium and Aspergillus sp. were identied
as endophytes of palm hearts (Euterpe precatoriaMart.) (Batista et
al., 2018). On the other hand, Aharwal and Kumar (2016) reported
Aspergillus, Alternaria and Fusarium among the isolated genera
of Ricinus communis. Also, the Nigrospora genus was isolated
from leaves of healthy Vinca rosea plants (Metwaly et al., 2014).
Regarding the genus Lasiodiplodia, there are reports indicating that
it is an endophytic fungus of Caesalpinia echinata Lam. (Lima and
Cavalcanti, 2014); Similarly, strains of Lasiodiplodia theobromae
and Nigrospora sphaerica were identied as endophytes of
Theobroma cacao (Vásquez et al., 2018). Therefore, it would be
conrmed that the genera identied in this research are endophytic
These microorganisms colonize inter and/or intracellularly the
plant tissue asymptomatically; however, very little is known about
the diversity and function of these fungi in species of economic
importance (Russo et al., 2016). Thus, Rothen (2015) showed that
not all endophytic fungi isolated from G. max behave in this way,
only 26% behave as endophytes in the strict sense, that is, they do
not cause symptoms, and the rest as endophytes in broad sense
(17%), biotrophic pathogens (40%) and necrotrophic pathogens
(17%) that present symptoms. Therefore, future research is required
for the molecular identication at the species level of the isolated
strains of V. corymbosum and conrm their endophytic capacity.
Thus, it would allow the selection of endophytic and pathogenic
strains, since there are species of the genera isolated in this study
that behave as pathogens of plant species, except for the genus
Stemphylium (1.96)
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(1): e223922. January - March. ISSN 2477-9407.6-7 |
Trichoderma, which is used as a biocontrol agent against many
phytopathogenic fungi. (Citrus, 2005). In addition, in V. corymbosum,
species of Lasiodiplodia (Rodríguez-Gálvez et al., 2020), Nigrospora
sphaerica (Wright et al., 2007), Alternaria alternata (Nadziakiewicz
et al., 2018), Cladosporium tenuiussimum were identied as
pathogens. (Lei et al., 2019), Stemphylium sp. (Flores and Medina,
2012) and Fusarium oxysporum (Moya-Elizondo et al., 2019) with
the exception of the Aspergillus, Ulocladium and Trichoderma genera
that do not cause disease in blueberry plants. On the contrary, these
genera have antifungal activity against phytopathogens (XiaoXue
et al., 2018). There are reports indicating that strains of the same
species have a great diversity of responses to their host. Thus, some
pathogens, before showing disease symptoms, are in a latent phase
within the host tissue (Photita et al, 2004), such is the case of L.
theobromae that behaves as a latent pathogen (Mohali et al., 2005) and
as an endophytic antagonist (Vásquez et al., 2018); likewise, certain
endophytes can become pathogens when the host plant is stressed,
due to excessive humidity or nutrient deciency, which induce the
transition from one way of life to another (Fisher and Petrini, 1992).
In addition, in this research it was found that endophytic fungi
colonized less than 20% of blueberry plant tissues, because the
plants are grown in non-sterile conditions, which means that there
is competition for other microorganisms (De Souza et al. ,2008).
Likewise, the presence of species of endophytic fungi in plants can
be affected by many factors, such as the type of culture, type of tissue
sampled, age of the plants, climate and location in which they were
grown (Impullitti and Malvick, 2013; Russo et al., 2016).
The species of the genus Trichoderma are a group of
microorganisms most investigated for the control of fungal plant
diseases, they colonize the root surface or live as endophytes within
the tissues and have the ability to reduce diseases through their
mechanisms of action (mycoparasitism, antibiosis, competition and
induced systemic resistance), promote plant growth and improve
plant productivity (Bailey and Melnick, 2013). Similarly, Aspergillus
versicolor, an endophyte of Vaccinium dunalianum, has inhibitory
effects on phytopathogenic fungi (XiaoXue et al., 2018) and has
insecticidal activity (Senthilkumar et al., 2014). Also, Alternaria
species as a potential biocontrol agent for plant pathogens (Lou et
al., 2013) and against some agricultural pests (Sharma and Sharma,
2014). On the other hand, Cladosporium omanense has recently been
described as a new endophytic fungus that has the ability to suppress
Pythium aphanidermatum (Halo et al., 2021). Therefore, the isolated
strains of V. corymbosum in the Cañete valley could be possible
biological control agents for pests and diseases of blueberries and
other crops.
For the rst time, nine genera of endophytic fungi (Trichoderma,
Aspergillus, Alternaria, Ulocladium, Cladosporium, Fusarium,
Nigrospora, Lasiodiplodia and Stemphylium) and a group of fungi
called sterile mycelium were isolated and identied by taxonomic
classication in leaves and stems of healthy plants of blueberry variety
biloxi from the Cañete valley in Lima, Peru, the leaves being the ones
that obtained the highest frequency of strains. The genera Alternaria
and Cladosporium turned out to be the most frequent and with the
highest colonization in plant tissues, while Aspergillus, Ulocladium
and Lasiodiplodia were the least frequent.
Our thanks to Richard Jorge Yactayo Yactayo and José María
Espinosa Astorayme for their help with samples collection for the
research, and to Yasmin Carmen Arestegui Cantoral and Thalia
Esthepany del Pilar Sarmiento Ruiz for their support in isolating
Funding source
Financial support from the Universidad Nacional de Cañete- Perú
through the Minor Experimental Research Project No. 019 (Contract
No. 01-2020-UNDC-PIEM).
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