This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Espinoza and Pacheco. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(1): e223919
7-7 |
The treatments with hen manure source presented signicant
differences in their medium and high doses (150 and 200 N kg.ha
with respect to the pine nut cake and urea treatments for all doses.
On the other hand, pine nut cake showed signicant differences with
bovine manure (50, 100 and 200 N kg.ha
) and poultry manure in the
medium doses (100 and 150 N kg.ha
Finally, as shown in table 7, the urea treatment with medium dose
(150 N kg.ha
), was the one that presented a signicant difference
between treatments, except with pine nut cake at its highest dose
(200 N kg.ha
), so it was considered the source that favored the
development of the cotton crop, based on the observed spectral
Reectance levels. The greater vigor of the crop, in view of the
chlorophyll indices evaluated, does not correspond to the maximum
concentration of urea (200 N kg.ha
) applied in this investigation
(gure 4). Although it is true that there are no gures on recommended
doses, many producers exceed this amount, which implies an excess
of product that unnecessarily increases production costs, in addition
to contributing to environmental problems of contamination and
Figure 4. Reectance levels of the cotton crop according to the
applied treatment.
Likewise, it was observed that the plants treated with pine nut
cake and hen manure show vigor and can become substitutes for urea.
The plots with bovine manure presented the lowest vigor in the crop.
The unmanned aerial vehicle showed great efciency for the
application of the procedures used, forming a fundamental part in the
application of technology in agriculture and production, thanks to its
easy handling and the large amount of information it can generate.
The analyzed indices were able to visually show the differences in
the vigor of the crop, depending on the various nitrogen fertilization
treatments. Therefore, with the application of this technology, the
application of fertilizers can be optimized, by selecting the best
nitrogen source for the study conditions.
The GIS tool proved to be very useful in differentiating the areas
of the crop with greater or lesser development of the plants based
on the chlorophyll index, thus being able to take advantage of the
information obtained to cover the needs of the areas with nutritional
The application of the chlorophyll indices made it possible to
determine the most effective nitrogenous sources in plants, with urea
at a dose of 150 N kg.ha
being the source with the best spectral
response for the four calculated indices.
The results of the research allow the recommendation of doses
and nitrogenous sources that could imply improvements in crop
production in economic and environmental terms in the study area.
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