© The Authors, 2021, Published by the Universidad del Zulia*Corresponding author: aqedarghanco@unal.edu.co
Aquiles Enrique Darghan Contreras
Carlos Armando Rivera Moreno
Nair Jose González Sotomayor
Jose Luis Castellanos Coronel
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(1): e223918
ISSN 2477-9407
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47280/RevFacAgron(LUZ).v39.n1.18
Crop Production
Associate editor: Dr. Jorge Vilchez-Perozo
Border effect
Competition coefcient
Monte Carlo Simulation
Estimation and computational evaluation of the coefcient of intraspecic competition in
edges in the context of linear models
Estimación y evaluación computacional del coeciente de competencia intraespecíca en bordes en
contexto de modelos lineales
Estimativa e avaliação computacional do coeciente de competição intraespecíca em arestas no
contexto de modelos lineares
Department of Agronomy, Universidad Nacional de
Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia. Postal code: 111321
Received: 24-09-2021
Accepted: 13-11-2021
In experimental trials, it is usually of interest to give special regard to
the response of experimental units at the edges, since it is well known that
the performance of these can be greater than that of the rest of the units
due to having less competition from neighboring units. When treatments
are available, it is possible that the differences in the mean crop response
are attributable to the edge effect. Therefore, it is important to consider the
edge or not in the modeling process. In this case, using the Kempton-Besag
model and the reparameterization of the model, the intraspecic competition
coefcient was estimated through least quadratic estimation that in this case
was associated with the edge effect. Its distributional pattern was studied
using Monte Carlo simulation. Simulated variance analyses were carried out
to see the distributional effect of the F-statistic in the presence of the edge
effect as a form of spatial dependence that was evaluated with the Moran
index. The coefcient associated with the edge effect showed a clear normal
distribution in all the considered edge scenarios. The sign of the coefcient
and the condence intervals generated made it possible to discriminate the
presence/absence of edge effect. In addition, a method was proposed to allow
a user to mitigate the fuzziness that may result from the point estimate of the
coefcient. This procedure can be used in other neighborhood patterns and
other design models of importance in agricultural research.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(1): e223916. January - March. ISSN 2477-9407.2-6 |
En los ensayos experimentales suele ser de interés prestar especial
atención a la respuesta de las unidades experimentales en los bordes,
ya que es bien sabido que el rendimiento de estas puede ser superior
al del resto de unidades por tener menor competencia de unidades
vecinas. En un experimento, donde se tienen tratamientos, es posible
que las diferencias en la respuesta media de las variables medidas
sean atribuibles al efecto de borde. Por lo tanto, es importante
considerar el borde o no en el proceso de modelado. En este caso,
utilizando el modelo de Kempton-Besag y la reparametrización
del modelo, se estimó el coeciente de competencia intraespecíca
mediante estimación mínima cuadrática que en este caso se asoció
con el efecto de borde. Su patrón de distribución se estudió mediante
simulación Monte Carlo.De cada análisis de varianza con datos
simulados se extrajo el valor del estadístico F y se representó su
comportamiento distribucional para relacionarlo con la ausencia
o presencia del efecto del borde como una forma de dependencia
espacial, la cual se conrmó desde el punto de vista estadístico con
el índice de Moran. El coeciente asociado con el efecto de borde
mostró una clara distribución normal en todos los escenarios de borde
considerados. El signo del coeciente y los intervalos de conanza
generados permitieron discriminar la presencia/ausencia de efecto de
borde. Además, se propuso un método para permitir al usuario mitigar
la falta de claridad que puede resultar de la estimación puntual del
coeciente. Este procedimiento se puede utilizar en otros patrones de
vecindad y otros modelos de diseño de importancia en la investigación
Palabras clave: efecto borde, coeciente de competición,
reparametrización,simulación Monte Carlo.
Em ensaios experimentais, geralmente é de interesse dar atenção
especial à resposta das unidades experimentais nas bordas, uma vez
que é bem conhecido que o desempenho destas pode ser maior do
que o do resto das unidades devido à menor competição de unidades
vizinhas. Quando os tratamentos estão disponíveis, é possível
que as diferenças na resposta média da cultura sejam atribuídas ao
efeito de borda. Portanto, é importante considerar a borda ou não
no processo de modelagem. Nesse caso, utilizando o modelo de
Kempton-Besag e a reparametrização do modelo, o coeciente de
competição intraespecíco foi estimado por meio da estimativa do
mínimo quadrático que, neste caso, foi associada ao efeito de borda.
Seu padrão de distribuição foi estudado usando simulação de Monte
Carlo. Análises de variância simuladas foram realizadas para vericar
o efeito distributivo da estatística F na presença do efeito de borda
como uma forma de dependência espacial que foi avaliada com o índice
de Moran. O coeciente associado ao efeito de borda apresentou uma
distribuição normal clara em todos os cenários de borda considerados.
O sinal do coeciente e os intervalos de conança gerados permitiram
discriminar a presença / ausência do efeito de borda. Além disso, foi
proposto um método para permitir ao usuário mitigar a imprecisão
que pode resultar da estimativa pontual do coeciente. Este
procedimento pode ser usado em outros padrões de vizinhança
e outros modelos de projeto importantes na pesquisa agrícola.
Palabras chave: efeito de borda, coeciente de competição,
reparameterização,Simulação de Monte Carlo
It has been 100 years since the publications of Arny (1922),
describing the edge effect in agricultural experiments and where
proposing ways to avoid it. Even the term competition was used
to associate it with the performance of off-edge row performance
with the rows at the edge, recognizing since then that removing the
rows from the edge could in certain situations be an unnecessary
operation, something that recent studies endorse (Romani et al.,
1993; Kuemmel, 2003). However, others recommend the elimination
of edges depending on the crop, with the purpose of making a better
estimation of the yield (Gałęzewski et al., 2013). According to Keddy
(2001). The denition presents a challenge since it is an example of
a generalized phenomenon that can occur in quite diverse conditions.
Current research focuses on an autoregressive competition model
(Ord, 1975) used by several authors to consider such an effect and for
which various proposals are put forth (Connolly et al., 1993). But this
time, rather than estimating the parameters of the model associated
with the effects considered, computational analysis was done on the
least-squared estimator of the Kempton-Besag competition model.
These generated scenarios associated with situations described for
performance when there is no edge effect and when it is perceived not
only at the most exposed edge but also at the two outermost edges of
the batch, as well as in partial edge situations (Besag and Kempton,
1986; Shukla and Subrahmanyam, 1999). With the calculation of the
Moran index, the spatial dependence of the residuals of the model was
studied. Computationally the effect obviating the spatial dependence
of the residuals on the analysis of variance for the two-way model
was shown. Finally, with the simulated construction of the condence
interval for the competition estimator, the presence/ absence of
competition could be inferred. This is something that many research
usually describe in their trials (Phillips et al., 2020).
Materials and methods
This section considers a two-way classication model including
its reparametrization from the perpendicular projection operators
approach using the estimator obtained through least-squared
estimation of the coefcient of competition associated with the edge
effect while considering a series of closed-edge scenarios as partial
edges and off-edge. This suggests a greater response in units located
in any edge modality.
Model Structure and estimation approach
The Besag-Kempton autoregressive model based on the argument
that the random response of neighboring units affects or competes is
written as:
Y = + κWY + ε, (1)
where Y is a random vector of length and denotes the response of
the n units, X is a known design matrix of dimension n x p, β is the
vector of unknown parameters of length p and consists of the effects
of the model (treatments and blocks), κ is the unknown competition
coefcient that was associated with the edge effect, W is the matrix
of weights of dimension n x n that in this case were associated with
the inverses of the Euclidean distances between the units with the
assumption that the non zero weights of the neighbors on a particular
unit yield a Markov matrix, and the effect of unit on itself is zero,
yielding a square matrix of the Hollow type (In our case, the weights
matrix was standardized). Finally, independence and identical normal
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Darghan et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(1): e223916
3-6 |
distribution with zero mean and variance σ
I was assumed for the
vector of errors, I being an identity matrix of dimension n x n. The
design matrix was associated with a two-way model, to which lateral
conditions were imposed. The model is written as follows:
= +
= 1,2, , ; = 1,2, , ,
with τ
as the effect of the i-th treatment and τ
as the effect of the
j-th block that in matrix form is written as Y=+ε . In model (2)
there is a deciency in the range of magnitude p-q=2, with p=t+b+1
and q=t+b-1. To cover this deciency, the usual non-estimable
functions in this design model were used, that is, and
. Under the hypotheses H
:k=0 of the model in (1) we have the linear
model Y=+ε and solving the problem of the range of X with the
imposition of lateral conditions we proceeded to the estimation of the
parameters. For model (1), the logarithm of the likelihood is given by.
+ ln
with |IW| like the Jacobian transformation.
One use of the lateral conditions is the reparameterization of
the model, where the Besag- Kempton incomplete-range model is
transformed into a full-range model. This simplies the estimation
procedure and allows obtaining unique estimators (Chistensen, 2011).
The method on model (1) is described below:
Let Y = WY + ε be the model and = 0 the matrix
expression associated with the lateral conditions, where L is a matrix of
dimension l×p, which is linked to the two-way model l=p-q. is a set
of non-estimable functions. If = 0, then β'L' = 0, so that β' belongs
to the orthogonal complement onto column space of L' (β' ϵC(L' )). To
identify the reparametrized model it is necessary to select a matrix Z
(Supplemental Material) such that it has the same C(L'); and, in this
way, the vector β belongs to C(Z), that is, β = , for some vector
γ. By substituting β = in model (1) the reparameterized model is
Y = XZγ WY + ε , (4)
and doing the reparameterized model of Besag-Kempton is
nally written as:
Y = WY + ε , (5)
From model (5) we can obtain the logarithm function of the
likelihood as well as the estimators for γ and σ
for a restricted model
under H
. However, as the estimator for κ in this estimation mode did
not present a closed solution (6), the least square estimation was used.
where M = P(P'P)
P' is the perpendicular projection matrix
on C(P) and trz represents the trace. In the case of the least-square
estimation, for which no distributional assumption is required, we
seek to minimize ε'ε, that is,
Note that the predicted value estimates E(y
) and not y
, however,
it is usually written as . To nd the estimator for from (7) we
differentiated with respect to and set it equal to zero and obtained
the closed solution for that was used to detect the edge effect of
agronomic trials and computationally studied its distributional pattern
based on simulation Monte Carlo. The estimator turned out to be:
Once the design matrix X, the matrix Z for the reparameterization
of the model, and the neighborhood pattern W were dened, the
functions were created in the RStudio software to perform the Monte
Carlo simulations of all the scenarios. This involved randomizing the
treatments so that the response vector Y associated with performance
did not show the edge effect. Higher response measures were
generated in the treatments that resulted in the complete edge, and
a double row of higher response was generated in the two outer and
complete edges. Unilateral, bilateral, and trilateral partial borders
with edge effect were generated. For the blocking reason, the reader
can abstract to some situation that can be linked with simplicity and
that causes some randomization restriction to create the blocks, such
as the origin of the seed.
Finally, whatever the estimation methodology is used in the
estimation of parameters, for example, the lateral conditions, the
current interest is related to the competition coefcient associated
with the edge effect in this case, so there is no It is of interest to
search for information on the edge effect with different proposals for
estimating the competition coefcient, since it is unprecedented as an
alternative to study the edge effect.
Scope of the methodology
The usefulness of the statistical-computational approach is subject
to a previous exploration of the data set to detect the possible presence
of the edge effect, since the simple obtaining of the statistic is not
directly associated to the absence or presence of the edge effect but
rather to the presence or absence of the competition effect such as the
nature of the model used for the construction of the statistic.
Motivating dataset
Figure 1 illustrates the arrangement of the treatments and blocks
in the study area. The label associated with the treatment, block,
and repetition appears. The number above each label represents the
response as it was recorded in the eld and the number to the right
represents the position in the response vector due to randomization.
In the case of the simulated responses, they were generated by Monte
Carlo method to obtain all the scenarios described above. For all
the scenarios where the response was generated it was guaranteed
that the treatment means were not different. Therefore, once the
analysis of variance (aov) of the two-way model without competition
or edge effect was run (standard linear model in 2), no differences
in the treatment means were seen. Therefore, the distribution of
the F-statistic of the 3000 simulations followed the characteristic
F-distribution under the null hypothesis and thus could detect any
departure from this distribution not because of the differences in
means but because of the spatial dependence induced by the edge
Figure 1. Distribution of blocks and treatments on the
experimental units simulated.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(1): e223916. January - March. ISSN 2477-9407.4-6 |
The following gures show different patterns of the different
scenarios developed that are associated with edge effect in
agricultural experiments. The rst group of patterns (Fig. 2)
distributes the response (value) causing 1) absent edge effect (left),
2) complete outer edge around the entire convex contour (center)
and 3) two outer edges for the two successive convex contours
Figure 2. Distribution of responses in the three main border
Figure 3 shows all possible cases to illustrate the unilateral
edge effect, for which a higher yield was associated with the more
accentuated gray points.
Figure 3. Distribution of responses on one-sided edges.
Figure 4 incorporates the successive or separate bilateral border
structures with six possible cases. It would be expected that if the
statistics detects the edge effect, these structures show a clearer
effect than those of the previous gure.
Figure 4. Distribution of responses on the bilateral border with
the highest yields
Finally, the trilateral border patterns that are the most similar
structures to the usual simple border in agricultural trials, thus, a
behavior in the statistic is expected to be much more like that
obtained in the presence of a simple edge (Fig. 5).
Figure 5. Distribution of responses at the trilateral borders.
Mathematical classication and construction of simulated
Let Ψ the space with points associated with
the combination of treatments and blocks in an experimental design
and let S
(i=1,2) the i-th subset of Ψ containing
the points identifying the outer single edge or outer double edge in
a two-dimensional spatial array. The indicator function S
by I
(.), is the function with domain Ψ and codomain equal to the
set consisting of two real numbers 0 and 1 dened by if
or =0 if
i ;
(.) clearly indicates S
With the previous description, the two situations are
mathematically formalized and will be illustrated when a user
wants to know if the data of his experiment show the edge effect.
The selection of S
depends on the distribution of the units in
the eld and as in our case it was a staggered planting with a
rectangular lot with a dened number of rows and columns, the
points with the minimum common x-coordinate and maximum
common x-coordinate as well as the minimum and maximum
common y-coordinate were identied. For the single edge effect
case if
indicates the combination of blocks
and treatments on this, the outermost edge. For the case of two
outer edges, for the purposes of the algorithm (see supplementary
material) all elements of S
in Ψ, i.e., we obtain Ψ-S
) and
again identify the points with the minimum common x-coordinate
and maximum common x-coordinate as well as the minimum and
maximum common y-coordinate but inΨ
, being Ψ
the selected
points on this inner edge. To count the two outer edges we do
, in this way, if Ψ
Once the single and double external edges have been indicated,
we proceed to propose a computational method that the user can
use to have clarity of the edge effect. It should be remembered that
an experimental test only generates a measure of the coefcient
that we have associated with the edge effect, so it would not be
simple to clearly discriminate the presence of the edge effect. To
avoid this problem, we use RStudio’ssimulate() function (R Core
Team, 2021) to generate a simulated density for (found by the
researcher) using RStudio’s lm() function for the formula: response
~ S
and do the desired simulations to construct the density of the
outermost edge. The element vector incontaining zeros and ones
of length equal to the evaluated response is simulated over a user-
dened number of simulations, in our case 500 simulations were
used and then we plotted the density, and we can notice the pattern
that certainly tells us if it is contained to zero or not to decide if
we have the effect associated with the outer edge. If the formula
response ~ S
+ S
is used and the linear model is tted, we now
have the possibility to obtain the density for the outermost edges
and again the edge effect considered will be clear (supplementary
Results and discussion
When the usual aov is used in linear modeling the technique
uses spatial dependence to modify the usual inferential procedures
(Gotway and Cressie 1990). In fact, the distributional assumption
based on the F-curve may not be valid. By maintaining the null
hypothesis of equality of means of the treatments, it is possible
by simulation to see the effect in the F-distribution. Figure 6-left
shows the distribution that is expected for two degrees of freedom
associated with the treatments and 92 degrees of freedom for the
error in the two-way model. Figures 6-center and 6-right show the
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Darghan et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(1): e223916
5-6 |
departure from this distribution when there is a clear edge effect
generating spatial dependence. Some might confuse the result of
these two nal gures if they do not realize that the samples did not
provide statistical evidence against the null hypothesis of equality
of means in the simulations generated. The gure also shows the
results of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for the adjustment for the
distribution and its D statistic. Only in the case of no edge (Fig.
6-left) the distribution is precisely the F.
Figure 6. Distribution of the F statistic generated in the 3000
Monte Carlo simulations.
In Figure 7 the distribution of the p values of the Moran index
of the cases associated with gure 2 (no border, single border,
and double border) is illustrated. As can be seen in 7 (left), most
of the simulations did not provide evidence against the hypothesis
of spatial independence of the residuals of the analysis of variance
model, with which the results of the technique are applicable if
the assumptions are met. In Figures 7-center and 7-right most
simulations show spatial dependence, especially in the case with
two edges. The vertical lines illustratively demarcate the cut for
α=5% and the simulation count is also printed where the hypothesis
of spatial independence is rejected. Undoubtedly, the presence of an
edge is associated with a modality of spatial dependence, so results
of an aov to the standard linear model may not be valid, and hence
the importance of taking some remedial measure in the presence
of an edge effect. This is done in the study of the speed of the root
front of corn and soybeans (Ordóñez et al., 2018).Although an edge
effect could not always be present in our research as was the case of
pasture and gramineous, some authors have concluded that both the
vegetation and soil properties are inuenced by the proximity to the
edge (Ruwanza, 2018) .
Figure 7. Distribution of the p value of the Moran index
generated in the 3000 simulations.
From (5), the coefcient associated with the edge effect in
model (1) was obtained by the least-squared estimation for all
scenarios, showing a clear normal distribution by simulation, that
was corroborated with the Shapiro-Wilks Normality test (p-values
within each image in gure 8). With the mean for in the distribution
of the simulations, a 95% condence interval was constructed for
, specically for the cases without edge effect, single and double
edge effect, and it is here where one of the most important results.
Clearly the rst interval (Fig. 8-left) contains zero, with which we
assert the absence of edge effect, while Figures 8-center and 8-right
not only do not contain zero, but also obtain negative lower and
upper limits, that is, the negative coefcient associated with the
edge effect shows the effect of interest.
Figure 8. Distribution of the coefcient associated with the
competition model or edges.
It is reasonable to think that even with many simulations for the
rst three cases it is possible to detect partial edges effect with the
same statistic. The cases of unilateral edge effect (Fig. 9) were run,
nding again the detection of unilateral partial edge but with a mean
for a normal distribution closer to zero on the left, especially at the
edges of shorter length (lower and upper). So, a greater distance
from zero on the left shows a more dened edge effect.
Figure 9. Distribution of the coefcient associated with the one-
sided edges model.
In the cases of more dened but partial edges effect such as
bilateral ones, the distribution of the statistic is maintained but its
means are shifted further to the left. This denes the partial edge
more clearly, especially when the edges are those with the greatest
perimeter (Fig. 10). This result, which is becoming systematic, is
validated with the trilateral cases of Figure 11. When the edges
involve the widest perimeters, the coefcient associated with the
most negative edge is obtained.
Figure 10. Distribution of the coefcient associated with the
bilateral edges model.
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(1): e223916. January - March. ISSN 2477-9407.6-6 |
Figure 11. Distribution of the coefcient associated with the
trilateral edges effect.
Application example
Using the same design structure and creating a single external
edge condition in principle the researcher can obtain the
estimator. As this value is not easy to use to discriminate the edge
effect, we adjusted the models lm(response ~ S
) and lm(response
~ S
+ S
) and using simulate() the simulations were generated.
The plots of the respective densities and the simultaneous display
of the estimated value allow us to conclude the presence of a
single edge and not a double edge, thus, the computational strategy
allows for edge detection and simplies the analytical operations as
described in (Paolella, 2019) to nd the distribution of the quotient
of quadratic forms associated with the proposed estimator.
Figure 12. Simulated density plot for application example the
line indicate the experimental kappa.
Current research uses the Besag-Kempton model and the
least-quadratic estimation of parameters. From this model was
possible to obtain the estimator for the competition coefcient that
was associated with the edge effect. The results made it possible
to visualize the effect on the distribution of the F statistic of the
analysis of variance in the presence of spatial dependence evaluated
using the Moran index, evident in the case of the synthetically
generated edges effect.
Once a series of Monte Carlo simulations had been made for
a normally distributed response, the distributional pattern of
statistic associated with the edge effect was studied. In all cases, the
normal distribution was evident in the scenarios of single, double,
no border, partial borders, and the contrasting pattern of opposite
borders effect. We observed that in the absence of the edge effect,
this interval contained zero, while in the case of the presence of
partial unilateral, bilateral, and trilateral borders.
The use of the sets of points associated with the edges of interest
and the linear modeling allowed the construction of a simulated
density for , which eliminated the ambiguity that could arise when
making a point estimate for , so that a user of the method can easily
judge the presence or absence of edge effect.
Supplemental material
Z and L matrices are available. Repository on Github of R code:
The code for all the simulations in: CarlosRivera1212/BorderEffect
(github.com)(edge effect coefcients)
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