This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(1): e223916. January - March. ISSN 2477-9407.2-6 |
Mediante ensayos de incubación se analizó la reacción de la
roca fosfórica (RF) Monte Fresco con nueve suelos venezolanos
representativos de diferentes condiciones agroecológicas y con
contrastantes características sicoquímicas y mineralógicas ligadas
al proceso de disolución de la RF. Los suelos presentaron diferentes
capacidades para disolver la RF; respuesta, en general, asociada a sus
características intrínsecas. El mayor valor de disolución de la RF (ΔP)
se encontró en el suelo Iguana (50 mg
suelo), caracterizado por
tener pH ácido y bajo contenido de fósforo total (Pt) y aprovechable.
Siguieron, con valores intermedios (7-22 mg
suelo) los suelos
Barinas y Casupal con pH ácidos y contenidos moderados de P-total.
Otro grupo de suelos, con mayor contenido de P presentaron bajos
índices de disolución (1,4-3,0 mg
suelo); mientras que los
suelos Veguitas y Bajo Seco con pH ≥5,6 y altos contenidos de P
total, disponible y calcio intercambiable, no mostraron disolución de
la RF. El proceso de disolución de la RF durante la incubación es
complejo, se activó con la presencia de los hidrogeniones alrededor
del fertilizante, pero puede ser afectado por eventos enzimáticos
y microbiológicos a medida que la RF interacciona con el suelo,
de manera, que la dinámica de la disolución de la RF presenta
Palabras claves: Bray I, suelos ácidos, adsorción de P, solubilización
Os testes de incubação analisaram a reação da rocha fosfórica
(RF) de Monte Fresco com nove solos venezuelanos representativos
de diferentes condições agroecológicas, e de características físico-
químicas e mineralógicas ligadas ao processo de dissolução de
RF contrastando. Os solos apresentaram diferentes capacidades
para dissolver o RF; resposta, geralmente associada com suas
características intrínsecas. O maior valor de dissolução de RF (ΔP) foi
encontrado no solo Iguana (50 mg
solo), solo com propriedades
adequadas para induzir esse processo: pH ácido e baixo teor de P
total e utilizável, seguidos de valores intermediários (7-22 mg
solo) dos solos Barinas e Casupal de pH ácido e teor moderado de
P total. Os demais solos apresentaram baixas taxas de dissolução
solo) e maior teor P. Por m, os solos Veguitas e
Bajo Seco com pH ≥5,6, e alto teor total e disponível de P e cálcio
intercambiável, não apresentaram dissolução de RF. O processo de
dissolução da RF durante a incubação é complexo, ativado com a
presença de hidrogenias ao redor do fertilizante, mas pode ser afetado
por eventos enzimáticos e microbiológicos à medida que a RF interage
com o solo, de modo que a dinâmica da dissolução de RF utua.
Palavras-chave: Bray I, solos ácidos, adsorção de P, solubilização
In highly weathered environments, phosphorus (P) appears as a
limiting element for plant and animal production because it is xed
by amorphous iron and aluminium oxides and hydroxides that abound
in the soil prole (López-Hernández and Burnham, 1974; Brenner et
al., 2019). To counteract these low levels of available P, it is necessary
to use appropriate doses of phosphorous fertilisers that are supplied,
either as soluble sources, of high cost, due to their pretreatment,
or as insoluble phosphate rocks (PR), of lower value, mainly only
applicable in the case of acid soils (Rajan et al., 1996; Cicek et al.,
The reactivity of PRs increases with soil acidity (hydrogen ion
concentration around the PR granule), generally associated with
relatively high levels of exchangeable Al (high Al saturation); so that,
in soils with a pH greater than 5.6, the PR practically do not supply
available P to the crops. On the contrary, the low saturation of calcium
and phosphates in solution, characteristic of acid soils, as well as a
high content of organic matter in the soil, favour the solubilisation
of PRs (Rajan et al., 1996). On the other hand, a high phosphate
retention capacity in the soil can also facilitate PR solubilisation,
although this P, once released from the rock, can be quickly retained
by the solid adsorbent matrix and do not enter in solution (López-
Hernández, 1977; Rajan et al., 1996; Romero and López-Hernández,
2018). Regarding total P levels, soils with medium phosphate levels
are considered more suitable for the application of PR than soils
extremely decient in phosphates (Rajan et al., 1996; Romero and
López-Hernández, 2018).
PRs have been directly applied in many previous trials in different
soils and for different crops in Venezuela (Sequera and Ramírez,
2013). None-the-less, that the agronomic and economic effectiveness
of Venezuelan phosphate rocks has been well studied (López de R.
et al., 1994), there have been little research on the phosphate rock-
soil interaction, an aspect of agronomic interest that would allow
determining: in which soils, the application of phosphate rocks
would be more efcient. An evaluation as this kind revise particular
importance in the case of Venezuelan PR Monte Fresco (PRMF), due
to its proven reserves, and its potential to be used, under adequate
treatments, as source of soluble phosphorous fertiliser (Casanova,
The objective of this work is to study the reaction (dissolution) of
the Monte Fresco phosphate rock in nine Venezuelan soils that present
contrasting physicochemical and mineralogical characteristics, the
chosen soils are representative, at the national level, of areas with
different agroecological conditions (table 1). The experimentation
includes incubation experiments where the reaction of the PR with
the chosen soils is analysed.
Materials and methods
Nine contrasting soils in physicochemical characteristics linked to
the phosphate rock dissolution process: pH, exchangeable aluminium
and calcium, total and available phosphorus, organic carbon, P
adsorption capacity and cation exchange capacity (CEC), were used.
The soil samples come from uncultivated soils located in different
areas of the country (table 1), and correspond to the surface horizon (0-
15 cm) of composite samples formed from subsamples. For chemical
determinations, the samples were air-dried and then sieved to obtain
the fraction of soil less than 2 mm. The routine methodologies for soil
characterisation correspond to those used at INIA, Maracay (Romero
and López-Hernández, 2018; López-Hernández and Romero, 2019).
In the incubation experiments, the Monte Fresco phosphate rock,
located in the state of Táchira, Venezuela, was used. MFPR has a total
P content of 9.3% and a solubility in citric acid of 0.71%, this PR has
an apatite content of 64% (Pérez and Smyth, 2005).