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López-García et al. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(1): e223903
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yeast, although they presented morphological differences such as
villus elongation, crypt depth and crypt gland area. in accordance
with that described by Reyes et al. (2014) who observed that lower
cell wall concentrations than 0.1 %, allows better development of
organs in birds, increasing the absorption response.
Mortality of up to 6 % (Elghandour et al., In 2019) has been
reported in poultry fattening, although the parameters indicate
that it should be less than 3 %. In the present work, the mortality
rate was 0 % with the use of a biological additive that contained
Saccharomyces serevisae + digestive enzymes in agreement with
the previous author who mentions said yeast as a probiotic and
improves the results.
The use of y pupae (Anastrepha ludens) and biological
additives (Proteases, Lipases, Cellulases, Pectinases, Amylases and
Saccharomyces cerevisiae) in rations for poultry (Gallus gallus
domesticus), promotes greater weight gain.
Mortality is not inuenced by the use of the biological additives
used in the experiment.
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