The Use of Pathetic Elements in Beckett’s Endgame

  • Halima Ismail Radam


Endgame is a play written by Samuel Beckett and it represents a number of elements that shows pathetic as despair and hopelessness. In addition, there is nothing happening during the play. The fact that the characters are not waiting for anything other than death has heightened the sense of despair and pathetic in the play, plus the feeling of being incarnated after death dominates all the characters. The paper presented sheds light on a number of elements that considered pathetic in the eyes of literary critics.

Biografía del autor/a

Halima Ismail Radam
University of Diyala, Basic Education college, Department of English


- Adorno, Theodor W. 1961. “Trying to Understand Endgame.” The New German Critique 26 (Spring-Summer 1982): 119–150. Rpt. in The Adorno Reader. Ed. Brian O’Connor. London: Blackwell, 2000. 319–352.

- Bloom, H. Samuel Beckett’s Endgame (1988). Chelsea House Pub.

- Cavell, Stanley. “Ending the Waiting Game: A Reading of Beck- ett’s Endgame.” Must we mean what we say? Cambridge: Cambridge Uni- versity Press, 1969. 115–162.

- Cohn, Ruby. 1973. Back to Beckett. Princeton: Princeton UP.

- Gontarski, S.E. (1992), The Theatrical Notebooks of Samuel Beckett, Volume II: Endgame, London: Faber and Faber, pp. xxvii–xxviii.

- Isherwood, Charles (25 February 2005). “A Sugarplum Vision Be- comes a Taunting Specter”. The New York Times.

- McCarthy, Sean. 2009. “Giving Sam a Second Life: Beckett’s Plays in the Age of Convergent Media.” Texas Studies in Literature and Language.

- Palko Karasz (7 November 2018). “A 92-Year-Old Composer’s First Opera Is HisEndgame”. The New York Times. Retrieved 2 January 2019. Palko Karasz (7 November 2018). “A 92-Year-Old Composer’s First Opera Is HisEndgame”. The New York Times. Retrieved 2 January 2019. - Webster, M. Miriam Webster Dictionary Collegiate Dictionary 11th ed. (2003). Meriam Webster Inc.


- nique-in-endgame.html#.XfXyXJMzbIV



- Drama/Adorno%20Endgame.pdf


- etts-plays/


Cómo citar
Ismail Radam, H. (2019). The Use of Pathetic Elements in Beckett’s Endgame. Opción, 35, 529-546. Recuperado a partir de