Inter-cultural and inter-ethnic dialogue as a condition and guarantee of stable development

  • . Shermuhamedova The National University of Uzbekistan, the Uzbekistan Branch of the Russian Philosophical Society, the Philosophical Society of Uzbekistan, the Presidium of the Russian Philosophical Society, the International Journal of Philosophy and Life
Palabras clave: Culture, Nation, Modernization, Dialogue, People.


The aim of the study is to investigate inter-cultural and inter-ethnic dialogue as a condition and guarantee of stable development via qualitative comparative research method. As a result, the processes of formation of global culture, occurring in modern society and the simultaneous strengthening of the value of ethno-cultural identity have a great influence on libraries. In conclusion, only due to the mutual understanding of different nations and nationalities, mankind will be able to avoid distrust, which is used as a basis for inciting hostility, hatred, and calls for violenc
Cómo citar
Shermuhamedova, . (2019). Inter-cultural and inter-ethnic dialogue as a condition and guarantee of stable development. Opción, 34, 2236-2258. Recuperado a partir de